A blueprint for changing rehabilitation

Event date

Presentation notes and slides


When: Monday 22 October 2012
Where: The Union Jack Club, Sandell Street London, SE1 8UJ. www.ujclub.co.uk
Time: 14:00 to 16:30 (Registration at 13:45)

A thought-provoking event for people and organisations with an interest in improving the provision of rehabilitation within the UK. The seminar will provide attendees with a practical blueprint for changes to the way we commission, deliver, and think about rehabilitation services for both minor and major injuries.

A limited number of places are available to hear key speakers from the NHS and the Military who will both challenge and energise you to think about rehabilitation services for the UK.


Key speakers:

  • Prof K Willett - National Director of Acute Episodes of Care
  • Col J Etherington - Director for Defence Rehabilitation


  • 13:30 - Registration
  • 14:00 - Prof K Willett - National Director of Acute Episodes of Care
  • 15:00 - Col J Etherington - Director for Defence Rehabilitation Defence Medical Rehabilitation Centre (DMRC) Headley Court.
  • 16:00 - Questions and discussion
  • 16:30 - Close


People and organisations with an interest in improving the provision of rehabilitation within the UK.

Booking Terms

Please return this form to Susan Berdo at the UKRC by email susan.berdo@rehabcouncil.org.uk