Adult Social Care and Health – Find out “What’s Housing Got to Do With It?” – Cambridge (Supported by the Housing LIN)

Event date


The ADASS Housing Policy Network met with Directors of Adult Social Care to ask how the network could support them in their role. Housing solutions are often at the heart of successful independent living, and ADASS East are offering a half day event to explore the best ways of engaging with the Housing Sector and the most important areas to engage on.

The Eastern Region is the first region in which the event is being run and it is intended to offer the event to other regions on a rolling programme.


Directors and Assistant Directors of Adult Social Care who do not have formal housing responsibilities. Housing Professionals from councils and housing providers.

Booking Terms

There are up to 50 places for this session, ADASS East would like to offer 2-3 places for local authorities and 2 places for housing representatives so please reserve your places as soon as possible, preferably by the 11th April by contacting