Archived Events

Event Title Date Type
A community led approach to supported housing - Haringey Regional
'Buildings in the Making': A Sociological Exploration of Architectural Design for Care - York
Market Engagement Event - Delivering Accommodation for Older People - Flitwick Regional
Extra Care Event - Cornwall
Women in Innovation Awards 2018 Competition Briefing - London
Innovative Housing Models Round Table - London National
Rural Housing for an Ageing Population - Harrogate National
West Midlands Region Housing LIN Meeting - Stoke on Trent Regional
South East Region Housing LIN Meeting - Uxbridge Regional
London Region Housing LIN Meeting - Lewisham Regional
Launch of 'Chris and Sally's House': the Living with Dementia home - Watford National
North West Region Housing LIN Meeting - Manchester Regional
Housing and Ageing: Linking strategy to future delivery for Scotland 2030 - Stirling National
How housing and the NHS can work together to improve hospital discharge: A collaborative event - Liverpool
Yorkshire & Humber Region Housing LIN Meeting - Hull Regional
Housing - Rising to the Dementia Challenge - London Regional
How housing and the NHS can work together to improve hospital discharge: A collaborative event - London
Lived Experiences of Home Adaptations: Hearing from older people and practitioners - Northumbria Regional
Transforming Care Through Housing till Regional
Eastern Region Housing LIN Meeting - Northstowe Regional