Archived Events

Event Title Date Type
HAPPI Hour - Social Prescribing: it’s a better prescription
Launch event: Inclusive Neighbourhoods - promoting social inclusion in housing with care and support
Homes England - Later Living: An Inter-Generational Approach
HAPPI Hour - Living Well
SFHA - Supporting Independence at Home
Housing LIN Virtual Summit 2021 - A Festival of Ideas till
ADASS - EU Settlement Scheme Webinars till
Knowledge exchange workshop – Creating inclusive communities: social inclusion in housing with care and support for older people
HAPPI Hour - From Moving On to Moving In
HAPPI Hour - Tap into the TAPPI Inquiry report launch
HAPPI Hour - Intergenerational living is the future – where are the opportunities?
HAPPI Hour - Passivhaus for Active Ageing
Healthy City Design 2021 till
Housing 21 Conference - Is housing responding to the diverse needs of older people?
HAPPI Hour - Reimagining Care: Caring Times
HAPPI Hour - A practical look at intergenerational living
HAPPI Hour - Investing in Ideal Homes
UKRI - Designed for Ageing: Competition Briefing Event, Followed by Collaborators Club
HDRC Webinar - What does “build back better” mean for people living with dementia in extra care and retirement housing?
Foundations - DFG Champions Roadshow 2021 till