CIH Older People's Housing & Support Conference & Exhibition

Event date



The Coalition Government is certainly having a significant impact on the housing sector and the provision of older people's housing and support. Providers of older people's housing and related services are currently faced with considerable public expenditure cuts. There are the effects of the removal of ring-fencing and new public health legislation to deal with all within the context of localism and the Big Society as well as the well publicised increasingly older population issues. Providers have to be even more creative to provide services in different ways to reach more older people. More than ever before, all those involved in providing housing and support services for older people need to come together to learn about the implications of these changes, share views and exchange good practice.

Again designed by experts this conference includes a mixture of information from keynote sessions and more detailed, practical workshops giving you the opportunity to take time out and think about how best to respond to the challenges facing your sector and how to not lose sight of what really matters - providing good quality housing and services to older people.


The programme, which includes a presentation by Jeremy Porteus, Housing LIN Director, is available under the following link:


This Conference is aimed at scheme managers, support workers, their managers and anyone providing housing and related support to older people in sheltered housing, extra-care, floating support and any other setting. It will also be of value to anyone with an interest in developing a better understanding of housing and housing related support for older people and those working in a related field providing services to older people, for example housing advice staff. The event will also be relevant for service users and frontline staff who are interested in the ways in which their service is developing as well as enhancing some of the skills they use every day.


  • Remain up to date with current Government thinking and policy developments
  • Learn how you can improve your housing and related support services
  • Find out about the latest good practice
  • Hear from leading professionals about new ways of delivering services
  • Receive relevant and up to date information to take forward in your day to day role
  • An excellent opportunity to network with fellow housing professionals and be involved in interactive discussions to influence future directions

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