Care and Support Seminar: Dementia in Housing (Supported by the HLIN) - Birmingham

Event date


14 November 2013, 9:00am to 1:00pm Hyatt Regency, Birmingham

All housing providers have a vital role to play, whether in helping to improve diagnosis or through providing good housing and related services, enabling people with dementia to live independently for longer. Attend this seminar to learn about the difference the housing sector can make to the lives of people with dementia.


Click here (opens new window) to download the full programme

Chaired by: Jeremy Porteus, Director, Housing LIN

Speakers include:

  • Karishma Chandaria - Dementia Friendly Communities Programme Manager, Alzheimer's Society
  • Dr Karim Saad - Regional Clinical Lead for Dementia, NHS West Midlands
  • Angela Bradford - Commissioning and Healthy Lifestyle Director, Extracare Charitable Trust


  • Directors of care and support
  • Independent living managers
  • Local commissioners
  • Heads of housing
  • Frontline staff providing support
  • Chief executives
  • Directors of social services, housing and public health
  • Board members
  • Directors of adult services
  • Managers of supported and sheltered housing
  • Older people service managers
  • Disabled and/or older people's community groups
  • Housing care service managers
  • Local councillors
  • Older people's community groups
  • Health and wellbeing boards
  • Home improvement agencies
  • Occupational therapists
  • Community groups and organisations working with older people and/or disabled peoples


There are approximately 800,000 people with dementia in the UK and two-thirds of people with the condition live in the community. With the financial cost of dementia to the UK reaching £23bn and local authority resources tightening as care needs increase, half of people with dementia and their carers report they are not receiving sufficient support and care. Join us at this care and support seminar to:

  • Get an overview of the national policy framework on dementia
  • Find out about the National Housing Federation's and Housing LIN's new report on dementia and housing
  • Hear from associations who have improved housing and service provision for people with dementia
  • Gain real insight from a specialist dementia nurse
  • Attend a master class on helping housing staff understand and respond to the needs of someone with dementia

Workshop Instructions

Click here (opens new window) for more information

Booking Terms

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