Care and Support Seminar: Safeguarding in Housing - Birmingham

Event date


14 November 2013, 1:00pm to 5:00pm Hyatt Regency, Birmingham


Click here (opens new window) to download the full programme

Speakers include:

  • Susan Jordan - Chief Executive, St Leger Homes
  • Imogen Parry - Expert Consultant, Adult Safeguarding
  • Sue Lewis - Head of Supported Housing Services, Together Housing


  • Directors of care and support
  • Independent living managers
  • Local commissioners
  • Heads of housing
  • Frontline staff providing support
  • Chief executives
  • Directors of social services, housing and public health
  • Board members
  • Directors of adult services
  • Managers of supported and sheltered housing
  • Older people service managers
  • Disabled and/or older people's community groups
  • Housing care service managers
  • Local councillors
  • Older people's community groups
  • Health and wellbeing boards
  • Home improvement agencies
  • Occupational therapists
  • Community groups and organisations working with older people and/or disabled peoples


Benefits of attending:
  • Keep up to date with national safeguarding strategies
  • Hear practical examples of effective multi-agency adult protection at a local level
  • Learn how to develop safeguarding alert processes within your organisation
  • Discuss the impact of welfare reform on vulnerable tenants and how to train your staff on the available support options

Booking Terms

Click here (opens new window) for more information