Commissioning and funding care and support services in extra care housing (supported by the Housing LIN)

Event date


Half Day Seminar: from 9.00am to 12.45pm

Tuesday 28th April 2015 at Yorkshire Housing, Leeds City Centre

This seminar will explore the impacts of the changing environment on extra care housing, looking in particular at services provided, funding options and the offer to residents. It will look at practical ways in which providers and commissioners can ensure value for money and consider the pros and cons of new commissioning models as local authorities move away from block contracts for care and support services, including models of commissioning that:

  • Embrace personalisation
  • Give the housing provider the responsibility for arranging care and a role in care management
  • Are independent of local authority commissioning

Much has changed in recent years in relation to both capital and revenue funding, and the current Care and Support Specialist Housing funding guidelines talk about 'care ready' housing rather than just extra care, in recognition of the ageing of the population, changing aspirations for a model of accommodation and care about independence rather than dependency; cuts to social care budgets; personalisation and an improved understanding of cost effectiveness and the need for services to deliver improved outcomes.

Whilst there is evidence of an increasing focus on the role of extra care as an alternative to residential care and the benefits it can deliver to health and social care, there are also growing concerns about some of the changes. This workshop will explore the issues with input from the facilitators on the changing commissioning context, together with practical examples of how providers are responding, including opportunities for questions and group discussions.


Who should attend this workshop:

  • Providers of housing for older people
  • Providers of care and/or support services
  • Commissioners of care and support services

Booking Terms

Delegate Fees: NHC Member £89 + vat; Non Members £109 + vat

Book together with Rethinking Support Services for Older People (opens new window) - this workshop runs in the afternoon (from 1.15pm to 4.30pm) - for a total of £148+vat and save £30.