Connections & Collaborations - Creative Dementia Arts Conference

Event date

Presentation notes and slides


The Albany, Deptford, London (opens new window) on Monday June 11th 2012

The impetus for this conference came from feedback after last year's conference where delegates spoke of the need to showcase and develop high quality practice. Workshops will be led by leaders in the field: artists, performers, musicians, researchers, and people with dementia presenting dance, movement, poetry, singing, drama, film making, technology, along with gallery and walking tours, intergenerational work and much more. All workshops provide opportunities for active engagement and for some sessions, stamina is required!


Click here to see the full programme (opens new window)

CHAIR - Janet Morrison, Chief Executive, Independent Age. Vice Chair of the Baring Foundation & Chair of the Arts Committee

KEYNOTE SPEAKER - Dr Sube Bannerjee, Institute of Psychiatry and Department of Health


Commissioners of arts and activities in health, social care and housing, artists, performers, and musicians, health and social care professionals and health / care workers in hospitals, care homes and communities, galleries, museums, and cultural institutions, arts organisations, academics, researchers and students and anyone else interested in this important and developing field.