Dorset Sheltered Housing Conference – Dorchester

Event date


Looking at best practice and the future of sheltered housing in Dorset

Monday 7th July 2014 in the Dorford Centre, Dorchester

The programme includes keynote presentations by Jeremy Porteus, Director, Housing Learning and Improvement Network and Catherine Driscoll, Director for Adult and Community Services, Dorset County Council.

It also includes updates on the Care Bill and the Deprivation of Liberty rules as well as a 'Laughter is the best medicine' session.


09.30 Registration - Tea and Coffee available

09.45 Welcome and introduction - Robin James, Service Development Officer, DCC

10.00 Planning for the future. Better Together and Pathways to Independence - Catherine Driscoll, Director for Adult and Community Services, Dorset County Council

10.25 The Care Bill - Marie Baxter, Project Officer, DCC

10.50 Refreshments

11.10 Breakout Sessions

  1. If only I'd known - Julie McDonald, St Johns Ambulance
  2. Working with POPPs - Sue Warr, POPPs Manager, DCC
  3. Nutrition and Wellbeing - Sue Hawkins, Care Catering Service Manager, DCC
  4. The Older Peoples Outcome Star - Karen Allen, Head of Supported Housing Services, Magna Housing
  5. Remodelling Station Court, Blandford - Lin Curtis, Spectrum Housing

12.00 The Mental Capacity Act - Deprivation of Liberty - Paul Greening, MCA Team Manager, DCC and Dorset NHS CCG

12.30 Lunch

13.15 Laughter is the best medicine - Hilary Foggo, Age UK, Dorset

13.45 Sheltered Housing - Maintaining independence longer - Jeremy Porteus, Director, Housing Learning and Improvement Network

14.10 Workshops

  1. Dementia Friends - Chris Scrivens, Bluebird Care
  2. Sheltered Housing - SWOT Analysis Considering the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats facing the sheltered housing service.

15.10 Feedback from Workshops

15.30 Dorset Sheltered Housing Strategy - Robin James, Service Development Officer, DCC

16.00 Depart


The conference is intended to be of interest and relevance to sheltered housing managers, support workers and indeed anyone with an interest in Sheltered Housing.

Booking Terms

This conference is free to providers working with Dorset County Council. For others places are £50 each.