Eastern Region Housing LIN Joint Meeting with NHF

Event date

Presentation notes and slides


This meeting will be held on Tuesday 20th September 2011 from 9:30am to 3:15pm at:

Westbrook Centre
Block 2, Suite 3
Milton Road
Cambridge CB4 1YG

Click here for a map to the venue (opens new window)


  • 9.30 Refreshments and registration
  • 10.00 Welcome
  • 10.05 Housing LIN and NHF updates
  • 10.35 Engaging with Health and Wellbeing Boards and Clinical Commissioning Groups - Paul Zollinger-Read, Director of Commissioning Development, NHS East of England
  • 11.30 Housing and health and social care agendas - Emily Bird, Policy Leader, National Housing Federation.
  • 12.15 Redesigning Services for Frail Older People - and Housing Implications - Catherine Underwood, Director of Commissioning Community Health and Care, Norfolk County Council/NHS Norfolk
  • 12.45 Floating Support Collaborative Working case studies - Andy Buchan, Head of Care and Support, North Hertfordshire Homes
  • 1.45 Inter-agency workshops to explore new ways of working
  • 2.45 Feedback and action plan
  • 3.15 Close


Priority is given to delegates within the Eastern Region


The purpose of the seminar is to bring commissioners and providers from housing, health and social care together to promote understanding of one another's agendas, and consider how we can work effectively together to improve key health and wellbeing outcomes. We intend the seminar to help housing providers to tap into the new health and social care commissioning arrangements.