Eastern Region Housing LIN Meeting

Event date

Presentation notes and slides


This meeting will be hosted by North Hertfordshire Homes at

Temple Court
Woodland Way
Herts SG7 6LY

Click here for a map to the venue (opens new window)


The focus of the meeting is self-management of long-term conditions, care and support.

  • 10.00 REGISTRATION AND REFRESHMENTS - Tours of Temple Court Extra Care scheme
  • 11.00 Welcome and Housing LIN update - Cathy Mitchell and Sue Garwood
  • 11.15 Personalisation in Health Care - Heather Ballard, NHS East of England
  • 11.45 Housing Support and Personalisation: Practical advice for the Current Moment - interactive session - Merron Simpson, New Realities
  • 13.00 LUNCH
  • 13.30 Welfare Reforms - Lizzie Clifford, National Housing Federation
  • 14.15 Group Work: Case studies on choice and control over long-term conditions
  • 15.15 Summary


Priority is given to delegates within the Eastern Region

Booking Terms

This event is free, however, the Housing LIN reserves the right to charge a penalty of £50 for non-attendance without prior notice.