Eastern Region Housing LIN Meeting - Cambridgeshire

Event date

Presentation notes and slides


This meeting will be held from 10am to 4pm at:

South Cambridgeshire Hall
Cambourne Business Park
CB23 6EA

Click here for directions (opens new window)


The focus of this meeting will be the Care Bill and its implications and opportunities for the housing sector.

  • 10.00 Registration and refreshments
  • 10.30 Welcome - Cathy Mitchell, Cambridge and Peterborough Clinical Commissioning Group
  • 10.35 Overview of Care Bill - Joanna David, Assistant Director Social Care Reform, LGA
  • 11.15 Questions and discussion - Click here to see the points raised throughout the day (opens new window)
  • 11.35 Comfort break and refreshments
  • 11.55 Better Care Fund update - Cathy Mitchell or Tom Dutton
  • 12.15 Housing LIN and Nat Fed updates - Jeremy Porteus, Director Housing LIN, and Claire Astbury, National Housing Federation, East Region lead
  • 12.45 Lunch
  • 1.30 Care Bill - Housing perspective - Jake Eliot, Policy Lead, National Housing Federation
  • 2.00 Care Bill - Sea-change think-piece and introduction to group work - Sanna Westwood, independent social care consultant
  • 2.20 Group work
  • 3.30 Feedback session - Click here to see the points raised throughout the day (opens new window)
  • 4.00 Close and tea


Priority is given to delegates within the Eastern Region


This spring's East Region Housing LIN network meeting is focusing on the Care Bill. With an overview of the Bill, an update on the Better Care Fund, and a look at the Bill from both a housing and wider social care/societal perspective, we will be considering the implications and opportunities it offers, and how best to work together for integrated solutions. There will be plenty of opportunity for questions and discussion so we are really keen to see a good cross-section of sectors represented.

Click here to see the points raised throughout the day (opens new window)

Booking Terms

This event is free, however, the Housing LIN reserves the right to charge a penalty of £50 for cancellations without prior notice