Eastern Region Housing LIN Meeting - Chelmsford

Event date

Presentation notes and slides


This meeting will be held at

from 10am to 12.45pm at:

Anglia Ruskin University
2nd Floor Marconi Building
Chelmsford Campus
Bishop Hall Lane

(when arriving from Chelmer Park and Ride the Marconi building is the large teaching block back down the campus entrance road)

Click here for directions to the venue (opens new window)

and from 12.45pm to 3.45pm at:

Genesis Housing Association
Frederick Chancellor Building
Victoria Road South


This meeting will focus on the design, commissioning and cost benefits of housing with care for older people. The agenda will include a range of presentations including Anglia Ruskin University, Essex County Council and Kyle Smart Associates. The afternoon will include a visit and tour to Genesis Housing's new extra care facility in Chelmsford Town Centre which is an integral part of a large urban regeneration scheme.


  • 10.00-10.10 Introductions and Welcome
  • 10.10-10.40 Almshouse Design Project - Anglia Ruskin University Students
    New ways of looking at design for older people's housing is essential to meet the increased expectations and demand in future years. The innovative project from students at Anglia Ruskin University working in conjunction with Legacy East Almshouse Partnership (LEAP), has supported the development of a new Almshosue project. The Housing LIN is keen to support older people's design issues within university settings and we look forward to the student's contribution to this important debate.
  • 10.40- 11.20 Innovative Dementia Design in Extra Care Housing
    Colin Smart Kyle Smart Architects - To be successful extra care schemes must support quality living for people with dementia and allow them to remain in their home as their condition develops. Good design is fundamental to supporting quality care and the presentation will cover dementia design principles in extra care schemes for both new build and specific issues in refurbishment projects. The talk with also focus on how the design building rather "add-ons" is essential in ensuring design principles that are flexible to make sure facilities are sustainable and remain fit for purpose in the future. The presentation will give examples of recently completed projects showing how people with dementia can benefit from careful simple design.
  • 11.20-11.40 Implementing Dementia Design in Practice
    Annabel Brown, Architect - Annabel has a particular interest in working with people to modify their homes for the elderly or for young children and has won Design Awards for conversions. She has recently completes a design for a new dementia care facility which will be showcased.
  • 11.40-12.00 Break
  • 12.00- 12.45 Can Extra Care be the solution to increasing need with reduced funding?
    Gary Heathcote, Head of Commissioning (Vulnerable People) & Gwyn Owen, Housing and Public Sector Land Project Lead, Essex County Council
    Essex County Council is committed to developing quality care services that demonstrate improved wellbeing, deliver agreed outcomes and provide value for money. Gary Heathcote will discuss the development of the Essex CC extra care programme business plan and the development of detailed analysis of the cost benefits of the schemes proposed.
    Gwyn Owen from Essex CC will discuss the 'value model' which the authority has developed which compares financial impact of different types of development on particular sites. Gwyn will also discuss the Housing and Public Sector Land Project and Locality Reviews of Public Sector Land which are taking place throughout the County.
  • 12.45-1.15 Travel To Genesis Housing Extra Care Development Victoria Road South Chelmsford
  • 1.15-2.15 Lunch
  • 2.15-2.30 Updates from Housing LIN, NHF, CIH
  • 2.30-2.45 Extra care within Urban Regeneration Siobhan Pierce, Area Manager, Genesis Housing Association will explain the Genesis HA approach to extra care development within wider regeneration schemes. Genesis have a number of examples across London and East Anglia which have highlighted the benefits of including extra care in major brownfield site developments.
  • 2.45-3.30 Tour of Extra Care Scheme
  • 3.30-3.45 Summary of the day


Priority is given to delegates within the Eastern Region

Booking Terms

This event is free, however, the Housing LIN reserves the right to charge a penalty of £150 for cancellations without prior notice.