Eastern Region Housing LIN Meeting - Dunstable

Event date

Presentation notes and slides


This meeting will be held from 10am to 3.30pm at:

Priory View
Church Street
Bedfordshire LU5 4HU

Priory View is Central Bedfordshire's new Flagship Independent Living Scheme. With 83 homes for rent or shared ownership Priory View aims to build a sense of community and offer a range of services to support independence and wellbeing for residents and also reaching out to the wider local community. Priory View has been shortlisted for the Top 60 Development 2016 Awards (opens new window) in the 'Older People's Development' category. The scheme offers many features and design principles that demonstrate the future for independent living development and for partnership working with health colleagues.


  • 10.00am Registration coffee
  • 10.15 Welcome and Introduction - Cath Mitchell, Eastern Region Chair, Housing LIN

Older People's Strategy: The Contribution of Extra Care

  • 10.20 Central Beds Extra Care Vision and adapting to the new environment - a strategic approach including integration with Health and Day Opportunities - Julie Ogley , Director of Adult Social Care, Health and Housing, CBC
  • 10.40 Extra Care: The Housing Association perspective - Debbie Stuart, Aragon Housing
  • 11.00 Making Extra Care Pay - whole value assessment by Central Beds Council - Tony Keaveney, AD Housing
  • 11.20 Panel Discussion
  • 11.40 Tea and Coffee

Priory View - the Central Bedfordshire Experience

  • 12.00 Interior design in aiding dementia sufferers - Finn Leicester, Director, Stanbridge Interiors
  • 12.15 Catering in Extra Care, a climate of change - Jason Jones, Catering Academy
  • 12.30 The Experience of the Community Charter - Ruhelly Begum, Estates Management Team Leader, CBC
  • 12.45 Panel Discussion
  • 1.00 Lunch and tours around Priory View - Lunch Provided by CBC + 20 min tour slots
  • 2.00 HLIN, NHF, Members Update - Jeremy Porteus, HLIN and Claire Astbury, NHF

Developing Leasehold Extra Care

  • 2.15 Savills Report on Retirement Housing Development -Henry Lumby, Savills
  • 2.35 Planning - The role of planning in Older People's housing development - Lisa Skinner, Bidwells
  • 2.55 Where next for Central Bedfordshire Council? - Colin Smart, Kyle Smart Associates, Chartered Architects
  • 3.15 Q+A Panel
  • 3.30 Summary and Close - Cath Mitchell, Eastern Region Chair, Housing LIN


Priority is given to delegates within the Eastern Region

Booking Terms

Important notice: this event provided free of charge to those registered in advance to attend and who subsequently attend. However, we reserve the right to charge those who register and subsequently fail to attend. This is due to the Housing LIN's incurring irrecoverable costs based on numbers of those registered in advance to attend. Non-attenders will be invoiced and pursued for payment. By registering you unreservedly accept these terms and conditions. The cost of this event is £150 plus VAT per head