Eastern Region Housing LIN Meeting - Hoddesdon

Event date

Presentation notes and slides


'Success through Innovation and Integration'

This meeting will be held from 9.45am to 4.00pm at:

Scania House
17 Amwell Street
Hertfordshire EN11 8TS

Click here for a map to the venue (opens new window)

Car Parking Information

Morrisons (across the street) have kindly agreed for Housing LIN members attending the meeting to use their car park for free. However, they do need to know in advance your registration number. If you are travelling by car, please confirm your registration number to info@housinglin.org.uk by July 3rd.


Following on from the successful Housing LIN National Conference earlier this year, 'A Festival of Ideas' (opens new window), the next Eastern Region Housing LIN meeting will focus on new innovations that are supporting service developments and the integration agenda. With speakers from across the health, housing, care and commercial sectors the day offers a great opportunity to develop ideas that meet the challenges facing all sectors supporting the older people housing sector.


  • 9.45 Registration and refreshments
  • 10.15 Welcome - Cathy Mitchell, Chair, East of England LIN
  • 10.20 Shaping the Housing and Care Markets for all Older People - Julie Ogley, Central Bedfordshire
  • 11.00 Home First Hertfordshire. An integrated health and social care team - Andrew Godfrey, Herts CC and Jill Callender, Herts Community NHS Trust
  • 11.40 Coffee Break
  • 12.00 Interactive Workshop - New Market Opportunities for housing providers - Jeremy Porteus, Housing LIN and Matthew Fox, Ex Viridian Housing Chief Executive
  • 13.00 Lunch & Networking
  • 14.00 HLIN, NHF and CIH Updates - Jeremy Porteus, Director, Housing LIN; Claire Astbury, National Housing Federation, East Region lead; Tracey Cassidy, Supported Housing Manager, South Cambridgeshire District Council
  • 14.30 Retirement Housing - Finding the Funding Formula - Matthew Fox, Ex Viridian Housing Chief Executive
  • 15.00 Making the most of your Sheltered Housing Assets: Respite support service - Refurbishment funding - Deborah Fenton, B3Living and Neina Cave, Business Development Manager, FRC Group
  • 15.45 Summary of the day - Cathy Mitchell, Chair, East of England LIN
  • 16.00 Close


Priority is given to delegates within the Eastern Region

Booking Terms

This event is free, however, the Housing LIN reserves the right to charge a penalty of £150 for cancellations without prior notice.