Eastern Region Housing LIN Meeting - St Neots

Event date

Presentation notes and slides


This meeting will be held from 9.45am to 4.00pm at:

Chapman Way
St Neots
Cambs PE19 2SH

Click here for a map to the venue (opens new window)


  • 9.45 Registration and refreshments
  • 10.15 Welcome - Cathy Mitchell
  • 10.20 Older People with High support needs - key general and housing messages from the JRF Better Life Programme - Imogen Blood, Independent consultant
  • 11.00 Dementia-friendly communities - presentation followed by Group work - Chris Quince, Alzheimer's Society
  • 12.00 Dementia Action Alliance
  • 12.15 Housing LIN update - Jeremy Porteus - and NHF update - Claire Astbury
  • 12.30 LUNCH
  • 1.30 Flower House - dementia specific extra care scheme - Debbie Stuart, Aragon Housing
  • 2.15 Care in Extra Care Housing - Changing models, key issues - presentation followed by group work - Sue Garwood- Extra Care Specialist
  • 3.15 Questions and sum up
  • 3.30 Tea followed by Poppyfields - Introduction and tour
  • 4.00 Close


Priority is given to delegates within the Eastern Region

Booking Terms

This event is free, however, the Housing LIN reserves the right to charge a penalty of £50 for cancellations without prior notice