Eastern Regional Housing LIN Meeting

Event date

Presentation notes and slides


This meeting will be held from 10.00am to 2.45pm at:

Oxlip House
Airfield Road
Bury St Edmunds
IP32 7PJ

Click here for a map to the scheme (opens new window)


  • 10.00 Tour of the Scheme, Registration and Tea/Coffee
  • 11.15 Breaking the Mould - Promoting aspirational housing care and support offer for older people - Emily Bird, Policy Leader, National Housing Federation
  • 11.45 The future of the Housing LIN and regional networks - Cathy Mitchell, East LIN Steering Group Chair & Sue Garwood, East LIN Champion
  • 12.30 Lunch and networking
  • 1.15 Housing Benefit changes - Graham Cooper, Associate Director, Greenwood Solicitors
  • 1.45 Older People - Downsizing in general needs, and specialist housing - Janet Sutherland, Consultant
  • 2.15 Light for Sight - Making a difference for older people and others with sight loss - Anthony Slater,
    Lighting Development Manager, Thomas Pocklington Trust
  • 2.45 Close


Priority is given to delegates within the Eastern Region