Enhanced health in care homes: implementing new models of care (supported by the Housing LIN)

Event date


  • Date:
  • Time: 9.00am-5.00pm
  • Venue: The King's Fund, London W1G 0AN

This conference examines the new care model set out in the NHS five year Forward View, in which the NHS works in partnership with care home providers and local authority social services departments to develop new shared models of care and support.

Showcasing successful models which have been shown to improve quality of life and reduce hospital bed use, conference sessions will explore how local areas are taking advantage of the opportunities created by the Better Care Fund and Forward View to design and implement shared models of reach support, including medical reviews; medication reviews; and rehabilitation services.



  • Samantha Jones, Director for New Models of Care, NHS England
  • Des Kelly OBE, Executive Director, National Care Forum
  • Professor Martin Green OBE, Chief Executive, Care England
  • Frank Ursell, Chief Executive, Registered Nursing Home Association
  • Andrea Sutcliffe, Chief Inspector of Adult Social Care, Care Quality Commission
  • Professor David Oliver, President, British Geriatrics Society and Visiting Fellow, The King's Fund
  • Professor Julienne Meyer, Professor of Nursing Care for Older Adult, City University London and Executive Director, My Home Life Programme
  • Caroline Abrahams,Charity Director, Age UK
  • Richard Humphries, Assistant Director of Policy, The King's Fund
  • Dr Phil Earnshaw, GP and Chair, NHS Wakefield Clinical Commissioning Group

Breakout sessions

In the afternoon, the programme will split into tailored breakout sessions. These will cover:

  • A - Promoting independence and reablement in care homes
  • B- Medical reviews and medicines optimisation
  • C- End of life care
  • D- Housing based models of care

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