Extra Care Housing: Past, Present, Future
Event date
Presentation notes and slides
Hear from the speakers...
Lord Best, Chair of the Housing and Care for Older People APPG and series of HAPPI reports set out his thoughts as we used the conference to influence the next phase of Extra Care Housing.
We were joined by members of the Government’s Older Persons Housing Task Force with an opportunity to influence the recommendations to be made to Government and hear key messages from important sector players including; DLUHC, DHSC, Homes England, ARCO, Housing 21, Lovell Later Living and Audley Group.
The conference also saw the launch of a network for Adult Social Care Commissioners who are looking to deliver and expand housing with care options for older people.
Lord Best, Chair of the Housing and Care for Older People APPG and series of HAPPI reports set out his thoughts as we used the conference to influence the next phase of Extra Care Housing.
We were joined by members of the Government’s Older Persons Housing Task Force with an opportunity to influence the recommendations to be made to Government and hear key messages from important sector players including; DLUHC, DHSC, Homes England, ARCO, Housing 21, Lovell Later Living and Audley Group.
The conference also saw the launch of a network for Adult Social Care Commissioners who are looking to deliver and expand housing with care options for older people.
9.00am - Arrival/Registration
9.30am - Welcome & Introduction
Cllr Michael Harrison, Executive Member for Health and Adult Services, North Yorkshire Council Cabinet Member
9.40am - Time to Take Stock (overview of the current position)
Lord Richard Best, member of the House of Lords
10.10am - The North Yorkshire Story
- In the Beginning - Neil Revely, LGA Care and Health Improvement Adviser and Housing Lead for the Association of Directors of Adult Social Services
- The 20 Year Journey - Mike Rudd, Head of Housing, Technology & Sustainability, North Yorkshire Council
10.30am - The Challenge and Opportunity
Ian Copeman, Business Director, Housing LIN
10.45 - Tea/Coffee Break
11.15am - Looking Back, Moving Forward
- The Resident View - Bentham ECH Group (film)
- The Local Government View - Richard Webb, Corporate Director Health and Adult Services, North Yorkshire Council
- Colleagues in Care - Julia Wilson & Nicky Cooper (film)
11.50am - The Policy Context
- The Older People's Housing Taskforce - Jon Rouse CBE, City Director, Stoke-on-Trent City Council
- Department of Health and Social Care - Rose Thomas-Willis, Deputy Director for Adult Social Care Policy
- Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities - Cathy Page, Deputy Director, Housing with Care and Support Division
12.40pm - Lunch & Networking
1.30pm - The Challenges
- Associated Retirement Community Operators (ARCO) - Michael Voges, Chief Executive
- National Housing Federation (NHF) - Abdul Ravat, Chair of the Older Persons' Housing Group
- Homes England - Miranda Foster, Head of Affordable Housing Technical Hub
2.15pm - The Provider Perspective – current and future delivery
- Housing 21 - Kris Peach, Executive Director of Extra Care
- Audley Group - John Nettleton, Group Land Director
- Lovell Later Living - Paula Broadbent, Managing Director
3.00pm - So what for the future - Panel session
- Chaired by: Neil Revely, LGA / ADASS & Ian Copeman, Housing LIN
3.30pm - Closing Remarks
Cllr Michael Harrison, Executive Member for Health and Adult Services, North Yorkshire Council Cabinet Member
3.35pm – 4pm - Refreshments & Networking
9.00am - Arrival/Registration
9.30am - Welcome & Introduction
Cllr Michael Harrison, Executive Member for Health and Adult Services, North Yorkshire Council Cabinet Member
9.40am - Time to Take Stock (overview of the current position)
Lord Richard Best, member of the House of Lords
10.10am - The North Yorkshire Story
- In the Beginning - Neil Revely, LGA Care and Health Improvement Adviser and Housing Lead for the Association of Directors of Adult Social Services
- The 20 Year Journey - Mike Rudd, Head of Housing, Technology & Sustainability, North Yorkshire Council
10.30am - The Challenge and Opportunity
Ian Copeman, Business Director, Housing LIN
10.45 - Tea/Coffee Break
11.15am - Looking Back, Moving Forward
- The Resident View - Bentham ECH Group (film)
- The Local Government View - Richard Webb, Corporate Director Health and Adult Services, North Yorkshire Council
- Colleagues in Care - Julia Wilson & Nicky Cooper (film)
11.50am - The Policy Context
- The Older People's Housing Taskforce - Jon Rouse CBE, City Director, Stoke-on-Trent City Council
- Department of Health and Social Care - Rose Thomas-Willis, Deputy Director for Adult Social Care Policy
- Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities - Cathy Page, Deputy Director, Housing with Care and Support Division
12.40pm - Lunch & Networking
1.30pm - The Challenges
- Associated Retirement Community Operators (ARCO) - Michael Voges, Chief Executive
- National Housing Federation (NHF) - Abdul Ravat, Chair of the Older Persons' Housing Group
- Homes England - Miranda Foster, Head of Affordable Housing Technical Hub
2.15pm - The Provider Perspective – current and future delivery
- Housing 21 - Kris Peach, Executive Director of Extra Care
- Audley Group - John Nettleton, Group Land Director
- Lovell Later Living - Paula Broadbent, Managing Director
3.00pm - So what for the future - Panel session
- Chaired by: Neil Revely, LGA / ADASS & Ian Copeman, Housing LIN
3.30pm - Closing Remarks
Cllr Michael Harrison, Executive Member for Health and Adult Services, North Yorkshire Council Cabinet Member
3.35pm – 4pm - Refreshments & Networking
Confirmed Speakers
Lord Richard Best - member of the House of Lords
Richard Best chairs the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Housing and Care for Older People. He has chaired Hanover Housing Association, which has undertaken several extra-care housing developments in North Yorkshire.
He was Chief Executive of the Joseph Rowntree Foundation, which built the pioneering retirement community of Hartrigg Oaks in York. Richard has chaired nine “HAPPI” Inquiries covering aspects of housing for our ageing population.
Neil Revely - LGA Care and Health Improvement Adviser and Housing Lead for the Association of Directors of Adult Social Services
Neil has over 40 years’ experience in the social care and housing sectors becoming Executive Director of Health, Housing and Adult Services for Sunderland City Council in 2007. Since 2016 he has provided consultancy across Health, Housing, and Adult Services and the wider Local Government and Health sectors.
Neil works as an adviser with the LGA’s Partners in Care and Health Programme and is an associate member and Housing Lead for the Association of Directors of Adult Social Services (ADASS). He Chairs Disability Action Yorkshire, and is a Board Member of Karbon Homes.
Mike Rudd - Head of Housing, Technology & Sustainability, North Yorkshire Council
Mike is the Head of Extra Care for North Yorkshire Council and has led the programme since 2018, overseeing the delivery of five schemes and over 300 apartments.
He has worked in adult social care and housing for 15 years across North Yorkshire, Lancashire and Cumbria County Councils.
Mike also leads on Technology Enabled Care and Environmental Sustainability for North Yorkshire, with a view to leveraging these three areas together to create accessible and sustainable places for people to live.
Ian Copeman - Business Director, Housing Learning and Improvement Network 
Ian oversees Housing LIN's research and consultancy, with a strong history of collaborative work with various UK government bodies, local authorities, NHS entities, housing providers and research funders. His work focuses on housing, accommodation, and support for older people and those with specific needs.
Ian's experience spans roles as a local authority housing and care services commissioner, as well as positions in housing association development and management. Notably, he co-authored the Supported Accommodation Review (2016) for the Department of Work and Pensions, the NHF's Home from Hospital report (2018), the LGA's Housing our ageing population (2018), and contributed to Adaptations without Delay (2019) for the Royal College of Occupational Therapists.
Richard Webb - Corporate Director for Health and Adult Services, North Yorkshire Council
Richard is part of the Council's senior leadership team and has responsibility for 2000 colleagues who plan, commission and provide Public Health and Adult Social Care services through a £230m budget. He also leads on supported housing and on partnerships with the NHS.
Having started his career as an NHS Management Trainee in Newcastle upon Tyne, Richard subsequently worked in community health services, mental health, primary care and social care in Gateshead and Stockton-on-Tees. Since 2005, he has been a local government director, firstly in Telford and Wrekin and then in Sheffield. As well as leading health and social care services, he has had responsibility for housing, community safety and cohesion, public involvement, arts and culture, libraries and regulatory services.
He moved to North Yorkshire in 2014 and was the sponsor for culture, leisure and sport services as 8 councils merged to create a single unitary council in April 2023. Nationally, Richard co-chairs the County Councils Network DASS and DPH Forum and was an ADASS Trustee between 2011 and 2020.
Julia Wilson - Registered Manager, North Yorkshire Council
Julia has worked in care for 23 years and has been working for North Yorkshire Council for the last 19 years. She has worked within different care settings, for the last 7 years predominantly working within Extra Care, and feels passionately about its benefits.
Julia has seen how beneficial Extra Care has been to a large number of people, allowing them to be supported in their own homes, whilst maintaining independence and allowing them still to be part of a community. Whether individuals need a little reassurance or more formal support, her work shows her that Extra Care has many benefits to all.
Nicky Cooper - Housing Manager for Housing 21 at Sycamore Hall
Nicky has worked in care all her working life, starting as a pot wash at 15, progressing through the ranks to eventually being a registered manager for over 15 years, looking after clients with complex dementia and mental health needs.
Nicky decided she needed a change during covid when things were incredibly difficult for everyone and came across Extra Care, which was a totally new concept to her. She has been the Housing Manager at Sycamore Hall in Bainbridge for two years.
Rose Thomas-Wi
llis, Deputy Director Adult Social Care Policy, Department of Health and Social Care
Rose joined the civil service in 2012 and since then has worked across several departments, with the majority of her time focussed on health and social care policies, including: community pharmacy, NHS cyber security policy, NHS operational efficiency and productivity, and social care funding policy.
In her current role, Rose is responsible for the following policy areas: dementia, unpaid carers, intermediate care, continuing healthcare and funded nursing care, mental capacity and safeguarding, and; housing. Rose works part-time in a job share with Emily Clarke, and when not working is often playing at the beach with her 2 year-old son.
Cathy Page - Deputy Director, Department for Levelling Up,
Housing and Communities
Cathy has responsibility for housing with care and support in her role at the DLUHC. This covers a range of policy and delivery including the implementation of the Supported Housing Regulatory Oversight Act, general supported housing policy, Secretariat to the Older People’s Housing Taskforce, Domestic Abuse accommodation policy and delivery and the Disabled Facilities Grant and home adaptations policy.
She has worked in the DLUHC for 7 years on housing with care and support but has a wealth of experience in the Civil Service delivering a diverse portfolio of policy and delivery projects including super-fast broadband, domestic and international tourism, the London 2012 Olympic Games and Sea Change (cultural regeneration of English seaside resorts). She started her career in Customs and Excise.
Michael Voges - Chief Executive, ARCO (Associated Retirement Community Operators)
Michael is a leading national expert on older people’s housing and social care, and a frequent media commentator on both the economic and political framework for housing-with-care in the UK.
He has overseen ARCO’s work to represent and champion the housing-with-care sector since its inception in 2013, taking the organisation from a team of one to a diverse outfit that sets rigorous standards for the sector, runs high-quality events, and influences and shapes key government policy.
Michael frequently speaks at conferences in the UK and abroad, and has served on numerous advisory bodies, commissions and committees with a special focus on social care/policy, housing and ageing.
Abdul Ravat - Chair, National Housing Federation's Older Person's Housing Group, Head of Development & Relationships, Abbeyfield
Abdul has over 30 years' experience of procuring affordable housing and sustaining places, and extensive experience of local government, charity and third sector environments. At Abbeyfield he has overseen asset management and development of over 750 new quality homes.
Abdul has just joined the board of Funding Affordable Homes Housing Association, a ‘for profit’ provider that supports the sector to increase affordable homes, deliver positive social value and provide stable and progressive returns to investors.
He is a member of the National Housing Federation’s Delivering Great Homes group and is now Chair of the Older Person’s Housing Group, shaping funding and policy solutions with government and the sector. Also an executive member of BME National, representing the interests of 45 BAME Housing Associations which collectively own 66,000 homes, Abdul is co-founder of the Ageing Well Network, established to ensure older people from all communities enjoy the benefits of living longer and living better, and has co-authored a study entitled ‘Mortgage Rescue – Meeting the Requirements of Special Needs Groups’.
Miranda Foster - Head, Technical Hub, Homes England
Miranda leads the team responsible for grant funding programme development and stewardship at Homes England. The team acts as the guardian for grant investment including governance and operational control framework for delivery.
Prior to working for Homes England, she led the sales and post sales teams for a housing association and had a previous career in banking.
Kris Peach - Executive Director of Extra Care, Housing 21
Kris joined Housing 21 in 2010 following a period of time working for a specialist supported housing provider. He previously worked for Claimar Care for over 10 years in operational and development roles, managing and commissioning new Home Care and Extra Care services.
Since working for Housing 21, Kris has seen the impressive expansion of Extra Care across the country, with over 150 Extra Care schemes in operation. As the Executive Director of Extra Care, Kris is responsible for providing the strategic leadership, direction and oversight for the development of Extra Care at Housing 21.
The ambitious development plans of the organisation mean that Kris will oversee an additional 800 units of Extra Care per year for the foreseeable future. He is committed to ensuring that Extra Care services deliver the best quality housing and care for older people. For Kris, this means continually striving to innovate and further improve the housing with care offer from Housing 21.
John Nettleton - Group Land Director, Audley Group
John has worked in the property industry for over 20 years, firstly at Bidwells, DTZ (now Cushman & Wakefield) and subsequently Colliers International, where he was Regional Head of Residential. Whilst at Colliers he acquired Clevedon for Audley Villages, following which, in 2007, he joined Audley as Regional Land Director.
In 2015 John was promoted to the Board of Audley Court Limited. His team is responsible for new site acquisitions across the Group, then working with the Planning and the Development teams to obtain optimum planning consents. He is a Member of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors, and he is also Chair of the Audley Foundation, which raises money for less fortunate older people.
Paula Broadbent - Managing Director, Lovell Later Living LLP
Paula has over 30 years’ experience working with older and vulnerable people across registered care and specialist housing. She moved into the private sector in 2009 after 20 years in the delivery, management, development, commissioning and de-commissioning of specialist housing and social care services.
Paula is committed to shaping places and accelerating the provision of age-appropriate housing-based solutions to meet the demand of our increasingly ageing population. She has been instrumental in public and private sector partnerships and placing the needs of older people at the centre of large scale regeneration in North Yorkshire.
She is now leading innovative models of housing and care, challenging the status quo, to deliver new approaches to both specialist housing with access to nursing care in partnership with local authorities and freehold home ownership for over 55's.
Councillor Michael Harrison – North Yorkshire Council
Cllr Harrison is the Executive Member for Health and Adult Services at North Yorkshire Council. He was elected to serve on North Yorkshire Council when it was created in 2023 as part of local government reorganisation, having been a councillor since 2004 on two of the predecessor councils - Harrogate Borough Council and North Yorkshire County Council – holding a number of executive portfolios on both.
Originally from Sunderland, he has lived in Harrogate for nearly 30 years and alongside being a councillor works in cyber security for a major UK bank. In 2023 he was elected as the Mayor of Harrogate.
Lord Richard Best - member of the House of Lords
Richard Best chairs the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Housing and Care for Older People. He has chaired Hanover Housing Association, which has undertaken several extra-care housing developments in North Yorkshire.
He was Chief Executive of the Joseph Rowntree Foundation, which built the pioneering retirement community of Hartrigg Oaks in York. Richard has chaired nine “HAPPI” Inquiries covering aspects of housing for our ageing population.
Neil Revely - LGA Care and Health Improvement Adviser and Housing Lead for the Association of Directors of Adult Social Services
Neil has over 40 years’ experience in the social care and housing sectors becoming Executive Director of Health, Housing and Adult Services for Sunderland City Council in 2007. Since 2016 he has provided consultancy across Health, Housing, and Adult Services and the wider Local Government and Health sectors.
Neil works as an adviser with the LGA’s Partners in Care and Health Programme and is an associate member and Housing Lead for the Association of Directors of Adult Social Services (ADASS). He Chairs Disability Action Yorkshire, and is a Board Member of Karbon Homes.
Mike Rudd - Head of Housing, Technology & Sustainability, North Yorkshire Council
Mike is the Head of Extra Care for North Yorkshire Council and has led the programme since 2018, overseeing the delivery of five schemes and over 300 apartments.
He has worked in adult social care and housing for 15 years across North Yorkshire, Lancashire and Cumbria County Councils.
Mike also leads on Technology Enabled Care and Environmental Sustainability for North Yorkshire, with a view to leveraging these three areas together to create accessible and sustainable places for people to live.
Ian Copeman - Business Director, Housing Learning and Improvement Network 
Ian oversees Housing LIN's research and consultancy, with a strong history of collaborative work with various UK government bodies, local authorities, NHS entities, housing providers and research funders. His work focuses on housing, accommodation, and support for older people and those with specific needs.
Ian's experience spans roles as a local authority housing and care services commissioner, as well as positions in housing association development and management. Notably, he co-authored the Supported Accommodation Review (2016) for the Department of Work and Pensions, the NHF's Home from Hospital report (2018), the LGA's Housing our ageing population (2018), and contributed to Adaptations without Delay (2019) for the Royal College of Occupational Therapists.
Richard Webb - Corporate Director for Health and Adult Services, North Yorkshire Council
Richard is part of the Council's senior leadership team and has responsibility for 2000 colleagues who plan, commission and provide Public Health and Adult Social Care services through a £230m budget. He also leads on supported housing and on partnerships with the NHS.
Having started his career as an NHS Management Trainee in Newcastle upon Tyne, Richard subsequently worked in community health services, mental health, primary care and social care in Gateshead and Stockton-on-Tees. Since 2005, he has been a local government director, firstly in Telford and Wrekin and then in Sheffield. As well as leading health and social care services, he has had responsibility for housing, community safety and cohesion, public involvement, arts and culture, libraries and regulatory services.
He moved to North Yorkshire in 2014 and was the sponsor for culture, leisure and sport services as 8 councils merged to create a single unitary council in April 2023. Nationally, Richard co-chairs the County Councils Network DASS and DPH Forum and was an ADASS Trustee between 2011 and 2020.
Julia Wilson - Registered Manager, North Yorkshire Council
Julia has worked in care for 23 years and has been working for North Yorkshire Council for the last 19 years. She has worked within different care settings, for the last 7 years predominantly working within Extra Care, and feels passionately about its benefits.
Julia has seen how beneficial Extra Care has been to a large number of people, allowing them to be supported in their own homes, whilst maintaining independence and allowing them still to be part of a community. Whether individuals need a little reassurance or more formal support, her work shows her that Extra Care has many benefits to all.
Nicky Cooper - Housing Manager for Housing 21 at Sycamore Hall
Nicky has worked in care all her working life, starting as a pot wash at 15, progressing through the ranks to eventually being a registered manager for over 15 years, looking after clients with complex dementia and mental health needs.
Nicky decided she needed a change during covid when things were incredibly difficult for everyone and came across Extra Care, which was a totally new concept to her. She has been the Housing Manager at Sycamore Hall in Bainbridge for two years.
Rose Thomas-Wi
llis, Deputy Director Adult Social Care Policy, Department of Health and Social Care
Rose joined the civil service in 2012 and since then has worked across several departments, with the majority of her time focussed on health and social care policies, including: community pharmacy, NHS cyber security policy, NHS operational efficiency and productivity, and social care funding policy.
In her current role, Rose is responsible for the following policy areas: dementia, unpaid carers, intermediate care, continuing healthcare and funded nursing care, mental capacity and safeguarding, and; housing. Rose works part-time in a job share with Emily Clarke, and when not working is often playing at the beach with her 2 year-old son.
Cathy Page - Deputy Director, Department for Levelling Up,
Housing and Communities
Cathy has responsibility for housing with care and support in her role at the DLUHC. This covers a range of policy and delivery including the implementation of the Supported Housing Regulatory Oversight Act, general supported housing policy, Secretariat to the Older People’s Housing Taskforce, Domestic Abuse accommodation policy and delivery and the Disabled Facilities Grant and home adaptations policy.
She has worked in the DLUHC for 7 years on housing with care and support but has a wealth of experience in the Civil Service delivering a diverse portfolio of policy and delivery projects including super-fast broadband, domestic and international tourism, the London 2012 Olympic Games and Sea Change (cultural regeneration of English seaside resorts). She started her career in Customs and Excise.
Michael Voges - Chief Executive, ARCO (Associated Retirement Community Operators)
Michael is a leading national expert on older people’s housing and social care, and a frequent media commentator on both the economic and political framework for housing-with-care in the UK.
He has overseen ARCO’s work to represent and champion the housing-with-care sector since its inception in 2013, taking the organisation from a team of one to a diverse outfit that sets rigorous standards for the sector, runs high-quality events, and influences and shapes key government policy.
Michael frequently speaks at conferences in the UK and abroad, and has served on numerous advisory bodies, commissions and committees with a special focus on social care/policy, housing and ageing.
Abdul Ravat - Chair, National Housing Federation's Older Person's Housing Group, Head of Development & Relationships, Abbeyfield
Abdul has over 30 years' experience of procuring affordable housing and sustaining places, and extensive experience of local government, charity and third sector environments. At Abbeyfield he has overseen asset management and development of over 750 new quality homes.
Abdul has just joined the board of Funding Affordable Homes Housing Association, a ‘for profit’ provider that supports the sector to increase affordable homes, deliver positive social value and provide stable and progressive returns to investors.
He is a member of the National Housing Federation’s Delivering Great Homes group and is now Chair of the Older Person’s Housing Group, shaping funding and policy solutions with government and the sector. Also an executive member of BME National, representing the interests of 45 BAME Housing Associations which collectively own 66,000 homes, Abdul is co-founder of the Ageing Well Network, established to ensure older people from all communities enjoy the benefits of living longer and living better, and has co-authored a study entitled ‘Mortgage Rescue – Meeting the Requirements of Special Needs Groups’.
Miranda Foster - Head, Technical Hub, Homes England
Miranda leads the team responsible for grant funding programme development and stewardship at Homes England. The team acts as the guardian for grant investment including governance and operational control framework for delivery.
Prior to working for Homes England, she led the sales and post sales teams for a housing association and had a previous career in banking.
Kris Peach - Executive Director of Extra Care, Housing 21
Kris joined Housing 21 in 2010 following a period of time working for a specialist supported housing provider. He previously worked for Claimar Care for over 10 years in operational and development roles, managing and commissioning new Home Care and Extra Care services.
Since working for Housing 21, Kris has seen the impressive expansion of Extra Care across the country, with over 150 Extra Care schemes in operation. As the Executive Director of Extra Care, Kris is responsible for providing the strategic leadership, direction and oversight for the development of Extra Care at Housing 21.
The ambitious development plans of the organisation mean that Kris will oversee an additional 800 units of Extra Care per year for the foreseeable future. He is committed to ensuring that Extra Care services deliver the best quality housing and care for older people. For Kris, this means continually striving to innovate and further improve the housing with care offer from Housing 21.
John Nettleton - Group Land Director, Audley Group
John has worked in the property industry for over 20 years, firstly at Bidwells, DTZ (now Cushman & Wakefield) and subsequently Colliers International, where he was Regional Head of Residential. Whilst at Colliers he acquired Clevedon for Audley Villages, following which, in 2007, he joined Audley as Regional Land Director.
In 2015 John was promoted to the Board of Audley Court Limited. His team is responsible for new site acquisitions across the Group, then working with the Planning and the Development teams to obtain optimum planning consents. He is a Member of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors, and he is also Chair of the Audley Foundation, which raises money for less fortunate older people.
Paula Broadbent - Managing Director, Lovell Later Living LLP
Paula has over 30 years’ experience working with older and vulnerable people across registered care and specialist housing. She moved into the private sector in 2009 after 20 years in the delivery, management, development, commissioning and de-commissioning of specialist housing and social care services.
Paula is committed to shaping places and accelerating the provision of age-appropriate housing-based solutions to meet the demand of our increasingly ageing population. She has been instrumental in public and private sector partnerships and placing the needs of older people at the centre of large scale regeneration in North Yorkshire.
She is now leading innovative models of housing and care, challenging the status quo, to deliver new approaches to both specialist housing with access to nursing care in partnership with local authorities and freehold home ownership for over 55's.
Councillor Michael Harrison – North Yorkshire Council
Cllr Harrison is the Executive Member for Health and Adult Services at North Yorkshire Council. He was elected to serve on North Yorkshire Council when it was created in 2023 as part of local government reorganisation, having been a councillor since 2004 on two of the predecessor councils - Harrogate Borough Council and North Yorkshire County Council – holding a number of executive portfolios on both.
Originally from Sunderland, he has lived in Harrogate for nearly 30 years and alongside being a councillor works in cyber security for a major UK bank. In 2023 he was elected as the Mayor of Harrogate.
Parking Information
The Crown Hotel has limited parking, available on a first come first served basis. There is a £12 overnight charge. Please see the hotel's website for details: https://www.crownhotelharrogate.com/Directions (opens new window)
Guests are advised to use the nearby multi-storey car parks in the town centre:
The nearest is Jubilee car park (opens new window), 5 minutes’ walk away from the venue, postcode for satnav is HG1 1DJ, 24 hour parking available. Victoria car park (opens new window) is about 12 minutes' walk, postcode HG1 5LQ, 24 hour parking available.
The Crown Hotel has limited parking, available on a first come first served basis. There is a £12 overnight charge. Please see the hotel's website for details: https://www.crownhotelharrogate.com/Directions (opens new window)
Guests are advised to use the nearby multi-storey car parks in the town centre:
The nearest is Jubilee car park (opens new window), 5 minutes’ walk away from the venue, postcode for satnav is HG1 1DJ, 24 hour parking available. Victoria car park (opens new window) is about 12 minutes' walk, postcode HG1 5LQ, 24 hour parking available.
Terms and Conditions
Important notice: This event is provided free of charge to those registered in advance to attend and who subsequently attend. However, we reserve the right to charge those who register and subsequently fail to attend. This is due to the event organiser's incurring irrecoverable costs based on the number of those registered in advance to attend. Non-attenders will be invoiced and pursued for payment of £150 plus VAT per head.
Important notice: This event is provided free of charge to those registered in advance to attend and who subsequently attend. However, we reserve the right to charge those who register and subsequently fail to attend. This is due to the event organiser's incurring irrecoverable costs based on the number of those registered in advance to attend. Non-attenders will be invoiced and pursued for payment of £150 plus VAT per head.