Foundations Care Act Roadshow - Leeds; Birmingham; London (supported by the Housing LIN)

Event date



  • Leeds, 4 November, Park Plaza Hotel
  • Birmingham, 5 November, The Studio
  • London, 11 November, Holiday Inn King's Cross

The new Care Act looks to ensure that the social care system is based on the principles of prevention, early intervention, and is focused on an individual's wellbeing and ability to maintain their independence.

Foundations will be running a series of seminars throughout November to help you understand the changes brought by the Act and explore the exciting opportunities for the housing support sector - who are well placed to develop and deliver integrated, preventative solutions centred around their clients' wellbeing.



  • DCLG (confirmed)
  • Department of Health
  • Key local partners


  • Local providers
  • Home Improvement Agency staff
  • Occupational Therapists
  • Local Authority grant officers
  • Commissioners of housing services
  • CCG leads
  • CSU staff and
  • Public Health representatives


  • Up-to-date comment from key opinion leaders at centre of the process
  • To become able to identify YOUR role within the context of the Care Act
  • To become better equipped to position your service in terms of local engagement
  • Networking opportunity

Booking Terms

Cost: £99+VAT

To book your place, please fill in the booking form and return it to