Green Paper Round Table Discussion - London

Event date


  • 9.30am: Arrival and coffee
  • 10am: Introduction to the key themes and objectives of the session - Jeremy Porteus, Managing Director, Housing LIN
  • 10.10am: Winckworth Sherwood perspective - Winckworth Sherwood speaker
  • 10.20am: ADASS perspective - Glen Garrod, President, ADASS
  • 10.30am: Lived experience perspective - Sally Percival Carer, TLAP and NCAG
  • 10.40am: Round Table discussion - addressing the top themes the Green Paper must address, in relation to housing, health and social care:
    • Funding solutions to the huge financial challenges we face - including for self-funders
    • Enabling people to access personalised housing, health and care services, including through building resilience in families and neighbourhoods
    • Planning for and managing risk across housing, health and care
  • 11.40am: Identify 5 priority areas for action 
  • 11.50am: Summary and conclusions
  • 12.00pm: Lunch 
  • 1.00pm: Close