Health and Housing Conference - Improve housing and improve health; building this case into the new public health system

Event date

Presentation notes and slides


The CIEH is holding its third annual Health and Housing one-day conference. Focusing on how housing can contribute to improvements in health, this year's conference will identify how the new public health structure will support this. This conference will also identify ways in which housing teams and a range of health professionals and academics can work better together to improve health.

Please download the flyer at the bottom of the page for more information and booking form.


The full programme can be downloaded at the bottom of this page. It includes a presentation by Gill Leng, Director, GLHS Ltd, on behalf of Jeremy Porteus, Director, Housing LIN on Interface between health and housing in light of the recent Public Health White Paper


  • Discuss how effective housing strategies (and interventions) could and should address health inequalities
  • Help local authority EHPs in preparing their case for involvement and inclusion on the local Health & Wellbeing Boards
  • Review good practice case studies, including a session on cost benefits associated with private sector housing
  • Discuss the opportunities and threats for more effective working in the new public health world