Health and Social Care Integration Series: Health and Housing – Cambridge (supported by the Housing LIN)

Event date


This event - the third event in the Health and Social Care integration series - will be held on 20th June, 10am - 4pm at Girton College Cambridge.

This event on the relationship between Housing and Health will aim to explore the links between housing and health. It will consider ways in which effective interventions can be developed to avoid poor housing conditions having a negative impact on public health and how housing sector staff and services can contribute to the health and wellbeing of the people with whom they work.

The event will engage health, housing and social care professionals in exploring best practice, identifying barriers and discussing opportunities for increased joint-working.


Topics include:

  • The impact of housing on health and social care: overview of the evidence base
  • The role of housing in public health
  • How best to target preventative health, housing and social interventions
  • Examples of how local planners and providers are working together already to improve housing and health in a joined up way



  • Health and Wellbeing Board coordinators
  • Housing leads
  • Public health officers
  • Relevant staff in Public Health England and NHS England