Homeless and Inclusion Health - Annual International Symposium & Study Days (Supported by the Housing LIN)

Event date



'Building a Digital Library for Health and Inclusion'

Wednesday 2nd March & Thursday 3rd March 2016 London

Supported by NHS England, the Homeless and Inclusion Health Symposium takes place on Wednesday 2nd and Thursday 3rd March 2016 in London.

The symposium is developed by Pathway (the homeless health charity) and the Faculty for Homeless and Inclusion Health with support from the Health Foundation, NHS England and partners.

This is the fourth symposium and study days bringing together the latest in evidence and best practice from around Europe in health and public services.


Click here (opens new window) to view the full agenda

Chaired by: Mark Easton - Home Editor, BBC

Confirmed Keynote Speakers:

  • Professor Richard Wilkinson, Emeritus Professor of Social Epidemiology at the University of Nottingham Medical School, and co-author of the international best seller 'The spirit level: why more equal societies almost always do better'
  • Professor Sir Michael Marmot, Director, UCL Institute of Health Equity and author of newly published 'The Health Gap'.
Other Speakers Include:
  • Dr Amanda Stafford
    Emergency Medicine Consultant, Royal Perth Hospital, Australia
  • Dr Adrian McLachlan
    Chair, Lambeth CCG
  • Professor Dennis P Culhane
    The Dana and Andrew Stone Professor of Social Policy, SP2, University of Pennsylvania, USA
  • Professor Jane Dacre
    President, Royal College of Physicians
  • Dr Nigel Hewett OBE
    Medical Director, Pathway
  • Duncan Selbie
    Chief Executive, Public Health England
  • Dr Al Story
    Clinical Lead, London Find and Treat Service, UCLH

"Experts by Experience" - a group of people who are experiencing homelessness take part in the conference every year, with full support and training, from the main stage, in the exhibition hall and in smaller groups and seminars.

This year's programme includes:

  • a strong focus on mental health, including the latest thinking on Psychologically Informed Environment, trauma-based interventions, and recovery
  • additional focus on homeless children and families, offering both academic and practical service-based perspectives
  • examples of the impact of truly person-centred, integrated service delivery
  • sessions on addressing challenging health issues - from psychoactive substances, to blood-borne viruses, to multi-morbidity
  • lessons from leading-edge approaches to involving and being influenced by Experts by Experience
  • transferable learning from exclusion health for the wider health and care system
  • practical approaches to increasing accessibility and relevance of services and reducing health inequalities

As well as the latest reports and lessons from Pathway teams and international insights

The content will update professionals on specific themes identified by Faculty members over the last year and explore the development of the UK "Inclusion Health" programme.

These include:

  • Faculty of Homeless and Inclusion Health: Pathway Programme
  • Inclusion Health: defining a new discipline
  • How can health and local government services identify the most vulnerable?
  • The balance between specialist and mainstream healthcare provision of the most excluded
  • Processes of exclusion - can health services reform?
  • How can we reduce premature mortality at the extremes?
  • Set the research agenda for homelessness and health
  • New health commissioning models for homeless and excluded groups
  • Defining education and training needs for clinicians who work with homeless and other severely excluded groups
  • Identifying new service models or health service responses that work
  • Considering homeless people's health issues and those of other severely excluded groups in the wider context of health inequalities in British society

Professionals from health and care and people with personal experience of homelessness and service delivery will play a leading role in the programmes.

European speakers bring experience from other urban health and public systems and the lessons that can be learned.


All professionals with an interest in homelessness care

Booking Terms

Full Rate: Commercial Businesses

  • 2 days:£560.00
  • 1 day: £350.00

Reduced Rate: Health Service and Local Government Services, Police, Housing and Public Services, Education

  • 2 days: £495.00
  • 1 day: £280.00

Supported Rate: Faculty Members

  • 2 days: £350.00
  • 1 day: £220.00

Open Online Licence - includes one free place at the London conference. A licence to broadcast the symposium into your own venue for an audience of your choosing, with unlimited numbers. Access afterwards to the entire catalogue of videos, podcasts and documents. £900.00

Sponsored Places (specialist homeless workers, voluntary sector and service users)
A number of sponsored places may be available on application to Katrina Wright

Group Bookings
Group booking discounts are available contact Katrina Wright

Registrations are taken online at: www.regonline.co.uk/Register/Checkin.aspx?EventID=1746072 (opens new window)

This event is made possible by

Homeless event March 2016