Homes England webinar: 'Transforming our homes and communities'

Event date

Presentation notes and slides


Taking place on the second day of Homes England ‘CIH Continuing Professional Development’, this 2 hour webinar and workshops hosted by the Housing LIN focused on the theme of 'Transforming our homes and communities'. See below for recording of the sessions.

  • 10.00 Chair and introduction - Karen Anderson, Homes England
  • 10.05 Transforming our homes and communities - Jeremy Porteus, Housing Learning and Improvement Network (LIN)
  • 10.30 Q&A
  • 10.45 Break out in workshops - Explanation by Suzanna Wood, Homes England 
    1. Multi-generational/inter-generational living: lessons from local practice - Ian Copeman, Housing LIN
    2. HAPPI and TAPPI – Crossing the housing, health and care digital divide - Jeremy Porteus, Housing LIN
    3. Post Covid design/Building for a Healthy Life (BHL) - Clare Cameron, PRP
    4. Housing the UK’s ageing population - Andrew McWilliam, Homes England
  • 11.30 Feedback from each group (5mins each)
  • 11.50 Summary and Close - Karen Anderson, Homes England


Plenary Sessions


1. Multi & inter generational living lessons from local practice – Ian Copeman, Housing LIN

2. HAPPI and TAPPI – Crossing the housing, health and care digital divide - Jeremy Porteus, Housing LIN

This session was unfortunately not recorded - See Jeremy's Powerpoint presentation instead (opens new window)

3. Post Covid design/Building for a Healthy Life (BHL) - Clare Cameron, PRP

4. Housing the UK’s ageing population – Andrew McWilliam, Homes England


1. Multi-generational/inter-generational living: lessons from local practice

This session will highlight a range of pioneering schemes from the UK and elsewhere in Europe and how we can build stronger communities for all ages.

  • Led by: Ian Copeman, Housing LIN

2. HAPPI and TAPPI – Crossing the housing, health and care digital divide

  • HAPPI = Housing our Ageing Population: Panel for Innovation
  • TAPPI = Technology to Aid our Population: Panel for Innovation

This session will focus on innovations in designing age-friendly housing and technology that best promote independence and feelings of community, sharing the learning from examples of what has worked well.

  • Led by: Jeremy Porteus, Housing LIN

3. Safe, Happy, Together: Post COVID design for age-friendly housing

This session will focus on innovations in designing age-friendly housing that best promote independence and feelings of community while minimising the spread of infection. PRP will share learning from examples of what has worked well and look at design ideas from their publication ‘Safe, Happy, Together

  • Led by: Clare Cameron, PRP

4. Housing the UK’s ageing population

This session will take a look at the demographic and spatial trends; the wider benefit of provision of older people housing, and the economic reasons for intervention.

  • Led by: Andrew McWilliam, Homes England


Ian Copeman, Operations Director, Housing LIN

Ian is responsible for the Housing LIN’s research and consultancy business. He has a track record of working for Government and a large number of local authorities, NHS organisations, housing providers and research funding bodies across the UK to undertake projects in relation to housing, accommodation and support for older people and people with support needs. He has worked as a local authority commissioner of housing and care services and for housing associations in development and management roles.

He is the author (with Ipsos MORI) of the Supported Accommodation Review (2016) for the Department of Work and Pensions and the (former) Department of Communities and Local Government Review; the NHF’s Home from Hospital (2018) report highlighting how social landlords can support NHS and local authority commissioners to improve the wellbeing of older people; the LGA’s Housing our ageing population (2018) covering exemplary local authority practice in relation to older people’s housing; and a co-author of Adaptations without Delay (2019) for the Royal College of Occupational Therapists.

Jeremy Porteus FRSA, Chief Executive, Housing LIN

Jeremy was formerly National Lead for Housing at the Department of Health responsible for the Extra Care Housing Fund and the Prevention Technology Grant programme.

After leaving the Department, he founded the independent Housing LIN (Learning and Improvement Network), bringing together over 25,000 housing, health and social care practitioners in England, Wales and Scotland to identify and showcase innovative housing and technology enabled solutions for an ageing population.

The Housing LIN’s free knowledge and information sharing activities, along with its consultancy business, provide market insight and intelligence on latest funding, research, policy and practice to inspire better housing and care choices.

Jeremy is Inquiry Secretariat to the All Party Parliamentary Group on Housing and Care for Older People Inquiry on housing and dementia (2020-). He was author of the influential ‘care ready’ HAPP12 (2012), HAPPI3 (2016) and HAPPI4 (2018) reports for the same APPG. He also co-authored RIBA’s publication: Age Friendly Housing: Future design for older people (2018).

Jeremy sits on the Government’s Homes for 2030 Board and Innovate UK’s Healthy Ageing Advisory Board. He is also vice-chair of the Housing & Ageing Alliance.

Clare Cameron, Director, PRP

Clare Cameron is a director in the Later Living team at PRP; she is an architect and expert in the field of design for older people, dementia and those with physical, cognitive or learning disabilities. In her 24 years at PRP Clare has lead the design team on a series of award winning projects in the sector, authored several design guides and undertaken multiple portfolio reviews of specialist housing stock for clients. Clare has a real passion to share her knowledge and to bring innovation and delight to 'age-friendly' housing.

Andrew McWilliam, Research and Analysis Specialist, Homes England

Andrew is a research and analysis specialist within the Homes England Research Team, specialising in the economy, demographics, housing and the wider property market. He currently leads on programme of analytics and market insights for Homes England which aims to provide an evidence base to underpin decision making across the agency.

Prior to joining Homes England, Andrew spent ten years at Manchester City Council, initially in the Regeneration and City Policy teams, before joining the Performance, Research and Intelligence unit. Here he led a programme of research across several thematic areas including economic growth, the built environment and devolution.

This involved developing a suite of research and analysis to inform and stimulate residential investment through the city’s joint venture partnerships and aligned to Manchester’s Residential Growth Strategy - including research to evidence the authority’s approach to city centre housing, affordability and an emerging student accommodation strategy. He has also specialised in local government finance and fiscal devolution including work to both understand and drive property tax revenues.


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