Homes England webinar: 'Transforming our homes and communities'
Event date
Presentation notes and slides
Taking place on the second day of Homes England ‘CIH Continuing Professional Development’, this 2 hour webinar and workshops hosted by the Housing LIN focused on the theme of 'Transforming our homes and communities'. See below for recording of the sessions.
- 10.00 Chair and introduction - Karen Anderson, Homes England
- 10.05 Transforming our homes and communities - Jeremy Porteus, Housing Learning and Improvement Network (LIN)
- 10.30 Q&A
- 10.45 Break out in workshops - Explanation by Suzanna Wood, Homes England
- Multi-generational/inter-generational living: lessons from local practice - Ian Copeman, Housing LIN
- HAPPI and TAPPI – Crossing the housing, health and care digital divide - Jeremy Porteus, Housing LIN
- Post Covid design/Building for a Healthy Life (BHL) - Clare Cameron, PRP
- Housing the UK’s ageing population - Andrew McWilliam, Homes England
- 11.30 Feedback from each group (5mins each)
- 11.50 Summary and Close - Karen Anderson, Homes England
Taking place on the second day of Homes England ‘CIH Continuing Professional Development’, this 2 hour webinar and workshops hosted by the Housing LIN focused on the theme of 'Transforming our homes and communities'. See below for recording of the sessions.
- 10.00 Chair and introduction - Karen Anderson, Homes England
- 10.05 Transforming our homes and communities - Jeremy Porteus, Housing Learning and Improvement Network (LIN)
- 10.30 Q&A
- 10.45 Break out in workshops - Explanation by Suzanna Wood, Homes England
- Multi-generational/inter-generational living: lessons from local practice - Ian Copeman, Housing LIN
- HAPPI and TAPPI – Crossing the housing, health and care digital divide - Jeremy Porteus, Housing LIN
- Post Covid design/Building for a Healthy Life (BHL) - Clare Cameron, PRP
- Housing the UK’s ageing population - Andrew McWilliam, Homes England
- 11.30 Feedback from each group (5mins each)
- 11.50 Summary and Close - Karen Anderson, Homes England
Plenary Sessions
1. Multi & inter generational living lessons from local practice – Ian Copeman, Housing LIN
2. HAPPI and TAPPI – Crossing the housing, health and care digital divide - Jeremy Porteus, Housing LIN
This session was unfortunately not recorded - See Jeremy's Powerpoint presentation instead (opens new window)
3. Post Covid design/Building for a Healthy Life (BHL) - Clare Cameron, PRP
4. Housing the UK’s ageing population – Andrew McWilliam, Homes England
Plenary Sessions
1. Multi & inter generational living lessons from local practice – Ian Copeman, Housing LIN
2. HAPPI and TAPPI – Crossing the housing, health and care digital divide - Jeremy Porteus, Housing LIN
This session was unfortunately not recorded - See Jeremy's Powerpoint presentation instead (opens new window)
3. Post Covid design/Building for a Healthy Life (BHL) - Clare Cameron, PRP
4. Housing the UK’s ageing population – Andrew McWilliam, Homes England
1. Multi-generational/inter-generational living: lessons from local practice
This session will highlight a range of pioneering schemes from the UK and elsewhere in Europe and how we can build stronger communities for all ages.
- Led by: Ian Copeman, Housing LIN
2. HAPPI and TAPPI – Crossing the housing, health and care digital divide
- HAPPI = Housing our Ageing Population: Panel for Innovation
- TAPPI = Technology to Aid our Population: Panel for Innovation
This session will focus on innovations in designing age-friendly housing and technology that best promote independence and feelings of community, sharing the learning from examples of what has worked well.
- Led by: Jeremy Porteus, Housing LIN
3. Safe, Happy, Together: Post COVID design for age-friendly housing
This session will focus on innovations in designing age-friendly housing that best promote independence and feelings of community while minimising the spread of infection. PRP will share learning from examples of what has worked well and look at design ideas from their publication ‘Safe, Happy, Together’
- Led by: Clare Cameron, PRP
4. Housing the UK’s ageing population
This session will take a look at the demographic and spatial trends; the wider benefit of provision of older people housing, and the economic reasons for intervention.
- Led by: Andrew McWilliam, Homes England