Housing and safeguarding adults conference - Welwyn Garden City (supported by the Housing LIN)

Event date

Presentation notes and slides


On Thursday the 18th September from 9.30am to 4.45pm

The aim of this free conference is to increase the engagement in adult safeguarding by all housing providers including non specialist providers of general needs housing. The event is targeted at front-line housing staff, their managers and designated safeguarding leads in housing organisations. The conference is intended both for those who have had training in adult safeguarding and for those who have not. We will take bookings from across the East of England but priority will be given to staff working within Hertfordshire.

The event is particularly timely in the light of the new Care Act 2014 (which comes into force in April 2015) and related statutory guidance which makes adult safeguarding statutory for the first time and requires all housing providers to implement adult safeguarding policies, procedures and training for all staff.


Speakers include:

  • Hertfordshire County Council lead officers on adult safeguarding and external specialists on the role of housing staff in adult safeguarding
  • Imogen Parry, Co-Chair of the national Housing and Safeguarding Adults Alliance, and
  • Sue Garwood, Extra Care Specialist and Eastern Region lead for the Housing LIN

The event will address:

  • The implications of the safeguarding aspects of the Care Act 2014 and statutory guidance for all housing providers
  • Lessons for housing providers from adult Serious Case Reviews
  • Local multi-agency arrangements for adult safeguarding
  • The Mental Capacity Act 2005 and the implications for housing staff
  • Partnership working issues on adult safeguarding

There will be ample opportunity for participants to ask questions and explore issues.


  • 09.00 Registration
  • 09.30 Welcome - Sue Darker
  • 09.45 National and Local Picture - Pete Morgan and Sue Darker
  • 10.30 Safeguarding Adults: the local procedure - Trish Orme
  • 10.50 Break and Networking
  • 11.10 Housing Services and Safeguarding Adults - Elaine Cass
  • 12.10 Lessons from Housing related Serious Care Reviews - Imogen Parry
  • 13.00 Lunch and Networking
  • 13.45 Mental Capacity Act Overview - Sue Garwood
  • 14.45 Table Exercise: Partnership Working
  • 15.45 Feedback from Table Exercise
  • 16.00 Summary and Close - Pete Morgan and Sue Darker


  • front line staff and their managers
  • safeguarding leads in all organisations that provide housing


To increase the engagement in adult safeguarding by all housing providers including non specialist providers of general needs housing.

Booking Terms

This conference is open to staff across the East of England, but priority will be given to those working in Hertfordshire if demand outstrips supply.