Housing - the answer to the health and care crisis (Supported by the HLIN) - York

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Join us to explore the closer integration of housing, health and social care. Better understand the new health and social care landscape, learn to involve and engage communities so you can plan for new housing and neighbourhoods that meet future local demand.

This event, in partnership with the Housing LIN, will help you challenge your thinking and provide an opportunity to learn and network with leading policy makers and expert practitioners in this field.


Chaired by Jeremy Porteus, Director, Housing Learning and Improvement Network and Chair, VOPAG, Homes and Communities Agency

Speakers include:

  • AnnMarie Connelly, Director of Health Equity and Impact, Public Health England
  • Dr Chris Handy, Chief Executive, Accord Housing Association
  • David Herring, Head of Home Solutions, Popworth Trust
  • Steve Appleton, Mental Health Act Commissioner (CQC) and Director, Contact Consulting


  • Those working within local health and social care economies
  • Decision makers
  • Commissioners
  • Front-line staff in housing, health and social care
  • Councillors
  • Housing Board Members
  • Tenant Representatives


  • How to use policy drivers to harness investment opportunities
  • Hear examples of housing developing preventative solutions that deliver health outcomes and better use of our housing stock
  • Learn the latest government thinking on "pioneering" integration, social care reform, healthy and age-friendly communities and how this will impact your businesses, tenants and service users
  • Share strategic advice and innovation across housing, health and social care
  • Find out about current and future housing solutions to create more cost-effective partnerships with public and community health services

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