How housing and the NHS can work together to improve hospital discharge: A collaborative event - London

Event date

Workshop aims

The overall aim of the workshop is to join the local housing sector more closely with NHS providers to explore the opportunities and challenges with discharge and preventable readmissions. This will be achieved by bringing together senior members of NHS Trusts across the Cheshire and Merseyside with the local housing sector to present and discuss what the housing sector can offer to Trusts to support their discharge process to reduce delayed transfers of care (DToC) and prevent avoidable readmissions.

During the workshop we would like to:

  • Share examples of working arrangements and reflect on how these could be replicated
  • Decide what resources and levels of support are required from NHS England and partners to support local arrangements
  • Identify any particular blocks that need to be addressed at a national level
  • Encourage local progress and to identify areas that might be willing to help test different approaches


We are looking for senior leaders / decision makers from NHS (Trusts / Providers and CCGs), housing partners and CCGs in the South West London STP (Croydon, Kingston, Merton, Richmond, Sutton and Wandsworth)

Booking details

This event is free to attend but booking is essential.

Please note this event is not organised by the Housing LIN. If you would like to discuss this event further, please contact Matt Carder on / 07730381670

  • NHS England_sml
  • Care & Repair England logo
  • HousingLIN logo