Integration Transformation Fund (ITF) DFGs and Independent Living – 3 Regional Seminars (Supported by the HLIN)

Event date



The new ITF heralds a major shift in national policy which aims to link up help for vulnerable householders from both adult social care and health bodies by pooling £3.8b of public funding! (read the briefing from DH for more information).

These seminars will explore how HIA services can best input to and benefit from the new ITF (which now includes funding for DFGs and other preventative measures).

The regional seminars will be held from 10am to 3pm on the following dates:

  • Leeds - 5th December
  • Birmingham - 10th December
  • London - 11th December


Each seminar will be tailored to give you the information you need to understand in which ways the new pooled health and social service funding will transform the way your support services will be commissioned and paid for in future.


  • DCLG
  • Health Sector
  • Key Commissioners from LAs in your region


Why you should attend:

  • This is a major shift in the way housing support services are being planned and delivered in your area of operation
  • The planning for spending the ITF is going on now and final plans have to be in place by February 2014
  • The guidance to commissioners on what needs to be in the plans will be published by the end of November 2013
  • Will help you to market your services to secure your funding for future growth