Joining the Dots - Developing Dementia Friendly Communities in the North East

Event date



  • Monday 3rd December 2012, Trinity Centre, Middlesbrough, TS3 6LD
  • Tuesday 4th December 2012, The Tyne Suite, Premier Inn, Newcastle, NE1 8BS

Each event will run from 9:00 until 13:30

The North East Dementia Alliance invites you to attend one of the above events which will explore what dementia friendly communities are and how we can develop them in our region.

NB: Please note that the same agenda applies to both events and therefore it is only necessary to attend one.


Speaker include:

  • Alastair Balls (Northern Rock Foundation and Alzheimer's Society)
  • Ian Sherriff (Plymouth University)
  • Philly Hare (Joseph Rowntree Foundation) and
  • Carol Clifford (South West Dementia Friendly Community Steering Group)


Individuals from the different parts of our communities in the North East including:

  • individuals living with dementia and their carers
    voluntary groups
  • the emergency services
  • housing associations
  • community safety groups and
  • professionals working in the fields of health and social care, leisure, library services and education