Law Commission Consultation - Deprivation of Liberty: What Does This Mean for Housing? (supported by the Housing LIN)

Event date



The Law Commission is currently consulting on deprivation of liberty safeguards, but what challenges do the safeguards currently present to housing providers, what is being proposed, and how does this impact on housing providers?

Sitra, ARCO, Housing LIN & the NHF are jointly organising two regional half day workshops to enable providers to appreciate the current and proposed regimes, consider the implications for housing, and feed into the Law Commission consultation.

Join us!


Session 1 - 13:30-15:00

  • Sue Garwood - Housing LIN Dementia Lead - Making sense of mental capacity, deprivation of liberty and safeguarding

Session 2 - 15:00-16:30

  • Tim Spencer-Lane - Law Commission - Proposed changes in deprivation of liberty safeguards in housing settings
  • Feedback on the proposed system


This event is essential for strategic and operational managers from both general needs and supported housing.

Booking Terms

Price: £60 per person, however, spaces are limited - we strongly advise early booking Contact Lana Newby to book - or book online