“Living well at home: making it happen” the HIA and Handyperson Annual Conference 2011

Event date



This event will be held at Crowne Plaza Hotel Birmingham on 1 November 2011 (with evening seminar on 31 October)

The All Party Parliamentary Group's 'Living Well at Home' inquiry sought to highlight the importance of the home in the current debate about the growing need for care and support for an ageing population. They are not the only group to stress the urgent need for better advice and information about housing options, and for the practical assistance needed to help older people continue to live well in older age. There is finally some real momentum gathering behind a simple premise which home improvement agencies have long understood: that unsuitable housing causes more people to abandon independent living and enter residential or hospital care, and this is a cost which the state can no longer bear.

This year's conference, chaired by Jeremy Porteus of the Housing LIN, looks at the changing environment in the HIA sector and has influential speakers from a wide range of backgrounds confirmed to offer their perspectives, and provide practical examples, on how to rise to the challenges and seize the opportunities to support vulnerable people to maintain their independence.



  • Home improvement agency staff
  • Handyperson service providers - Local authority environmental health and housing officers
  • Occupational therapists
  • Primary Care Trust commissioners and GPs
  • Social housing providers - Social services commissioners - Supporting People and other supported housing commissioners
  • Voluntary sector professionals

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