London Region Housing LIN Meeting - Thamesmead

Event date

Presentation notes and slides


  • 9.45 Registration, tea/coffee and networking
  • 10.10 Welcome and introduction to the day
  • 10.15 TV based communication systems - Amer Fasihi, COO, Kraydel
  • 11.00 Digital technology supporting independence Presentation and demonstration by Appello on the latest digital telecare/emergency call systems, creating a connected home environment and improving wellbeing through technology - Tim Barclay, CEO, Appello 
  • 11.45 Housing LIN update
  • 12.00 Lunch 
  • 13.00 Planning and Design Opportunities in 2019 Perspectives from planning, architecture and planning law on implications and opportunities for new development in 2019 - Jamie Sullivan, Iceni; Mark Slater, Archadia architects; Matthew Mainstone, Planning Lawyer
  • 13.45 Lakeview Court  and ThamesmeadEllen Halstead, Head of Thamesmead Strategy


Priority will be given to London members of the Housing LIN.

Terms and Conditions

Important notice: this event provided free of charge to those registered in advance to attend and who subsequently attend. However, we reserve the right to charge those who register and subsequently fail to attend. This is due to the Housing LIN's incurring irrecoverable costs based on numbers of those registered in advance to attend. Non-attenders will be invoiced and pursued for payment. By registering you unreservedly accept these terms and conditions. The cost of this event is £150 plus VAT per head.

Directions & Parking

Car parking: There is no parking on site, apart from disabled drivers - please let us know if you require this space.  There is parking available in the surrounding side streets (some of which may be metered).

Trains: The nearest station is Abbey Wood (a couple of miles walk), about 30 mins from the London terminii at: London Bridge, Charing Cross, Waterloo East (for Waterloo) and Victoria.

Taxis are available from nearby the station.

Buses: The 3 buses from Abbey Wood Station which stop close to Lakeview Court are:

  • No: 229 (towards Thamesmead) - leave bus at Linton Mead Primary School stop.
  • No: 244 (towards Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Charlton) - leave bus at Gallions Reach Health Centre stop.
  • No: B11 (towards Thamesmead Central) - leave bus at Gallions Reach Health Centre stop.