LondonADASS: Delayed Transfer of Care Roadshow (supported by the Housing LIN)

Event date


Chaired by Grainne Siggins, Director of Adult Services

London Borough of Newham & LondonADASS Lead for Health

This free event will look at:

  • ECIP lessons learnt
  • Sharing good practice around discharge to assess and trusted assessor models
  • Innovative housing solutions
  • Quality and sustainability of the care market


  • 10.00 Arrivals & registration
  • 10.30 - Welcome, introductions & context setting -Grainne Siggins, Director of Adult Services
  • 10.40 A&E Improvement plan including the London DToC position - Tbc
  • 10.55 ECIP - lessons learnt - Charlie MacNally, Director at CMAC Solutions & Elizabeth Sargeant
  • 11.15 A&E Improvement plan - Discharge Programme overview - Grainne Siggins, Director of Adult Services
    • Sharing practice:
    • Discharge to assess approach
    • Trusted assessor approach
    • Innovative housing solution
  • 12.00 Plenary - Questions - All
  • 12.15 Lunch
  • 13.00 Overview of the session - Grainne Siggins, Director of Adult Services
  • 13.05 CHC assessments - community - Tbc
  • 13.25 Quality and sustainability of the market - Tbc
  • 13.50 Working on tables identify:
    • 3 most grappling issues and proposed means of addressing them within DToC plan
    • Proposed solutions
    • Support offer
  • 14.45 Outstanding questions and summing up - Grainne Siggins, Director of Adult Services
  • 15.00 Close


The main aim of LondonADASS is to improve social care across London, and to identify ways of doing this more cost-effectively. We do this by working with staff in Adult Social Services across London and with other bodies, such as NHS England, which are involved with the health and wellbeing of Londoners. We encourage collaboration through a number of networks and projects focussed on particular topics.

Booking Terms

This is a free event.