Making best use of our sheltered housing asset (supported by the HLIN) - Birmingham

Event date


To be held in Birmingham - Venue TBC

Changing expectations and demographic pressures, alongside increasing demands on limited resources, suggests the need for a significant shift in thinking about how housing, support and care can be delivered for older people in the future.

One of our biggest assets for older people is our sheltered housing. However often its design, location or condition means it is unsustainable in its current form. The challenge for housing associati ons and local authorities is to ensure that services are fit for the future in terms of quality, financial viability and sustainability; and where th is is not possible that the best use is made of this valuable housing resource.

This one day workshop builds on the good practice set out in the Strategic Housing for Older People Resource Pack (SHOP) and the subsequent Housing LIN briefing paper Making Best Use of our Sheltered Housing Asset.

The workshop will help both housing associations and local authorities to structure thinking around how to make the best use of their sheltered housing asset and to find the right option for the future of the ser vice/ schemes


This workshop is aimed at senior staff in housing associations and local authority providers of housing for older people who are responsible for making strategic decisions about the future of their sheltered housing


This stimulating one - day workshop focuses on the practical. It is highly interactive and will equip you with tools, methods and transferable skills that you can apply in your organisation.

The workshop will help you understand:

  • Why sheltered housing is important and its role within the local health and wellbeing agenda.
  • How to assess the potential of your current sheltered housing as housing that is fit for the future for older people.
  • What factors will affect the range of options which could be co nsidered for individual schemes