My House or My Home? The challenges of ageing and housing - London (Supported by the Housing LIN)

Event date


"A conference on housing and support for older Londoners" 6 February 2014

Venue: Henriette Raphael Function Room, Henriette Raphael House, King's College London Guy's Campus, SE1 9RT (near London Bridge Station)


  • 10.30 Registration & coffee
  • 11.00 Professor Jill Manthorpe
    Director, Social Care Workforce Research Unit (SCWRU), King's College London
    Chair's welcome. 'My House or My Home?'
  • 11.20 Jeremy Porteus
    Director, Housing Learning and Improvement Network
    'Building homes, shaping communities: more than just a question of supply & demand?'
  • 11.50 Vic Rayner
    Chief Executive, SITRA
    'Housing with care and support - data, outcomes and delivery'
  • 12.20 Dr Maureen Crane & Dr Louise Joly
    Reader in Applied Social Research & Research Fellow, SCWRU, King's College London
    'The housing and support needs of older homeless people'
  • 12.50 Lunch
  • 1.50 Dr Simon Evans
    Senior Research Fellow, Institute of Health & Society, University of Worcester
    'What does extra care housing offer older people? Findings from the ASSET research project'
  • 2.20 Dr Maria Brenton
    Project Consultant to Older Women's Cohousing Company
    'Cohousing: combining personal autonomy with community in old age'
  • 2.50 Professor Jill Manthorpe
    Chair's closing comments
  • 3.00 Close

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