NHF Care and Support Conference and Exhibition 2013

Event date



Join the Care and Support Conference and Exhibition 2013. Question industry leaders, create new partnerships with peers, and be part of the dialogue influencing the reshape of the care and support sector.

The landscape for everyone involved with health, care and support services is shifting. We face widespread cuts year-on-year, more emphasis on local commissioning and leadership, and a strong need for collaboration between services and sectors. This is reshaping how we work and what we do.

To manage and respond to service user needs, and thrive in this uncertain environment, organisations need to explore different approaches to planning, delivery and accessing funds. This conference is your opportunity to debate change and discuss approaches for the future. Hear about promising practice from peers inside and outside the sector, and learn new skills from housing and healthcare experts, local bodies, and government.


Click here to access the full programme (opens new window)

Speakers include:

  • David Brindle, Public Services Editor, The Guardian
  • Pushpa Raguvaran, Chief Executive, Housing21
  • Dr Alison Giles, Chief Executive, Our Life
  • Andy Burnham MP, Shadow Secretary of State for Health, Department of Health (invited)


Housing association professionals including:

  • chief executives and directors of housing associations and service providers
  • service managers of housing associations and service providers
  • directors of social services or adult care of housing associations
  • primary Care Trust chief executives and clinical commissioning group members
  • lead officers in local authorities
  • policy managers of housing associations and service providers
  • board members of housing associations and service providers.


  • Join debate sessions on the big issues with industry leaders
  • Attend skills workshops to get ahead in the new environment
  • Gain insight for innovation from both inside the sector and out in our problem solving breakout sessions
  • Network with peers from across the sector at the conference dinner and after party
  • Hear from industry leaders in our plenary sessions on key strategic issues that are driving forward the sector reshape
  • Visit a dedicated exhibition hosting organisations that supply and support the sector.

Booking Terms

  • NHF Member price: £455
  • Associate member: £515
  • Non-member price: £555

Click here to book a place (opens new window)