New Approaches to Housing in Later Life: the role of co-housing - Manchester

Event date


Monday December 16, 2013 from 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM at:

The University of Manchester
G306B, Jean McFarlane Building
University of Manchester
Oxford Road
Manchester M13 9PL

Creating a range of housing options for later life is an urgent priority for public policy. A variety of ideas have emerged over the past decade, as reflected in the growth of retirement villages and extended support for those 'ageing in place'. Alongside these options has come increased interested in shared or co-housing, where individual homes are clustered around a 'common house' or shared space and amenities. The co-housing movement has been successfully developed in Denmark, the Netherlands and the USA and there is now increasing interest in this option in the UK. The seminar will provide an opportunity to explore some of the key issues associated with this approach.



  • Professor Sue Heath (Sociology, Co-Director of the Morgan Centre for the Study of Relationships and Personal Life, University of Manchester)
  • Maria Brenton
  • Manchester Urban Co-Housing (MUCH)

Chair: Professor Chris Phillipson (Sociology and Social Gerontology, University of Manchester)

Sue Heath will outline some general issues associated with the idea of communal living, drawing on a new research project at the University of Manchester. Maria Brenton will explore the question of whether co-housing is a viable housing option for older people. Finally, Manchester Urban Co-Housing will review some of the practical issues involved in developing a co-housing project.

Workshop Instructions