North East Housing LIN Annual Conference - Durham

Event date

Presentation notes and slides


'Improving health through the home in the North East'

A free one day event supported by ADASS, North East Councils, National Housing Federation and the Housing LIN taking a 'deep dive' into the health and housing Memorandum of Understanding and its implementation regionally

The Durham Centre
Belmont Industrial Estate
Durham DH1 1TN

Click here for directions (opens new window)


9.00 Registrations and refreshments

  • 10.00 Chair's welcome, introductions / setting the scene - Jeremy Porteus, Director, Housing LIN

Keynote addresses

  • 10.10 Health and Housing MoU - A North East commitment - Neil Revely, Executive Director People Services, Sunderland City Council and chair, ADASS Housing Policy Group
  • 10.45 Housing based solutions: Action to improve health through home - Action Plan 15/16 - Gill Leng, Housing and health lead: Health Equity and Place Division, Public Health England
  • 11.15 Five Year Forward View - the importance of housing - Richard Barker, Regional Director NHS England North
  • 11.55 Q&A


  • 12.30 Workshop sessions: Delivering better outcomes
    • A) Enabling, Delivering and Sharing Success - investing in partnerships that deliver a step change - Monica Burns, National Housing Federation, and David Dent, Identity Consult
    • B) Better Care pathways in Middlesbrough lead to The Gateway - Boda Gallon, Chief Executive, Keiro Group
    • C) Extra Care, the future. What is it? - Denise Gillie, NE Regional Lead, Housing LIN
    • D) Housing, Well Being and the Care Act: integrated approaches to prevention - Liz Greer, North East ADASS Care Act Programme Manager
    • E) Messages from the NHS Vanguard - how housing can support? - Ian Holliday, Head of Service Reform and Joint Commissioning, NHS Sunderland Clinical Commissioning Group

  • 14.15 Workshop Sessions: Delivering better outcomes - repeated as above

Keynote addresses

  • 15.00 More than just the numbers: delivering healthcare closer to home - Chris Smith, Director, Thirteen Housing
  • 15.35 Perspective on Housing & Health - North East - Bill Carr, Head of Area, North East at the Homes and Communities Agency
  • 16.00 Q&A



Priority is given to delegates within the North East region

Booking Terms

Important notice: the conference is provided free of charge to those registered in advance to attend and who subsequently attend. However, we reserve the right to charge those who register and subsequently fail to attend for the full cost of a conference place. This is due to the LIN incurring irrecoverable costs based on numbers of those registered in advance to attend. Non-attenders will be invoiced and pursued for payment. By registering you unreservedly accept these terms and conditions. The cost of this conference is £150 plus VAT per head.

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