North West Regional Housing LIN meeting - Stockport

Event date

Presentation notes and slides


This meeting is hosted by Your Housing Group from 10.00am to 3.30pm at:

Smithy Croft
107 Finney Lane
Heald Green

Click here for a map to the venue (opens new window)

Please do not park on site. Click here for parking alternatives (opens new window).


  • 10.00 Arrivals and coffee
  • 10.30 Welcome to Smithy Croft - Collette Thomas, Head of Retirement Living Services and New Initiatives, Your Housing Group
    Theme of the Day & Housekeeping - Jean Bray & Libby Spencer Joint Leads NW HLIN
  • 11.00 Community Approaches in Public Health - Emily Bird, Policy Leader NHF
    Tameside Public Health Initiatives - Ursula Humphreys Tameside PH
    Tameside Public Health Initiative Delivery - Janet Barnes, New Charter Housing Group
  • 12.00 Update of the Housing LIN - Jeremy Porteus, Director, Housing LIN
  • 12.30 LUNCH & NETWORKING and opportunity to tour Smithy Croft
  • 13.45 Smithy Croft and the Councils' Extra Care Housing strategy - Libby Spencer, Extra care housing co-ordinator, Stockport Council
  • 14.00 The development and management of Smithy Croft - Collette Thomas, Head of RLS & New Initiatives Your Housing Group; Graham Locke, PRP Architects; Debbie Seymour, RLS Manager and; Marion Shaw, RLS Scheme Manager
  • 15.00 Delivering care and support in Extra Care Housing - Emma Knight, Service Director Creative Support and Erika Bowling Service Manager Creative Support
  • 15.30 CLOSE AND NETWORKING and opportunity to tour Smithy Croft


Priority is given to delegates within the North West Region

Booking Terms

This event is free, however, the Housing LIN reserves the right to charge a penalty of £150 for cancellations without prior notice