Rethinking support services for older people – from grant cuts to market opportunity? (supported by the Housing LIN)

Event date


Half Day Seminar: from 1.15pm to 4.30pm

Tuesday 28th April 2015 at Yorkshire Housing, Leeds City Centre

This workshop will look at the changing ways that social housing providers are thinking about services to support independence exploring good practice in the sector. It will:

  • Challenge providers to think about their service models for the future, both for their own tenants and the wider community
  • Look at specific case study examples
  • Provide details about funding
  • Explore how the partnerships were developed and future plans

As cuts in housing support funding have forced a growing number of social landlords to change their funding and service model, some have cut right back to provide little more than a standard housing management model. Others have used the opportunity to re-think and broaden the way they think about service models to support independence for:

  • Older people living in sheltered type housing
  • Older people living across their general needs stock
  • Other vulnerable tenants and households

Others have broadened their approach and offer services to people they do not house - older and other vulnerable people across all tenures living in the communities where they have their housing stock. This is seen as part of the community sustaining role, and often this has been done in partnership with other organisations such as care providers.

What is in no doubt is that older people are a major market for the future, and make choices about what types of services they wish to purchase to support independent living in older age. "Our power is our number; there are now more than 14 million people in the UK aged over 60. The prize for those who successfully engage with us will be huge.'' (Age UK)

Attend this workshop and explore the issues with facilitators and peers, and re-think your support services for older people.


Who should attend this workshop:

  • Providers of housing for older people
  • Providers of care and/or support services
  • Commissioners of care and support services

Booking Terms

Delegate Fees: NHC Member £89+vat; Non Members £109+vat

Book together with Commissioning and funding care and support services in extra care housing (opens new window) - this workshop runs in the morning (from 9.00am to 12.45pm) - for a total of £148+vat and save £30.