Sheltered Housing – Ticking the time bomb? – Manchester and Bristol (Supported by the Housing LIN)

Event date



Despite growing demand for older people's housing, existing sheltered stock is often a blot on housing organisation Business Plans due to Supporting People reductions & design obsolescence. How can you maximise care services & deliver modern affordable homes which meet the expectations of your aging customer base amid a challenging operating environment? Join Ark for this innovative seminar which will help organisations focus on the future of sheltered housing.

10% discount is available for bookings placed up to two weeks before this event.


These events will be led by John Paterson, Partner at Ark. John holds extensive experience of undertaking sheltered housing reviews & delivering asset management & development projects, strategies and new ways of working. Ark will be supported by high calibre specialists & practitioners who offer case studies detailing their experience of implementing "game changing" approached to older peoples housing & services.

Click on the followings for full agendas:

  • 2 April in Manchester (opens new window)
  • 9 April in Bristol
  • Aims

    What Will Delegates Learn?

    • How to respond to housing which no longer meets the needs of your older customers
    • How to assess your existing stock in the context of demand & market trends
    • How to respond to SP cuts & maintain a viable care & support service
    • How to modernise sheltered housing to attract older people in the future
    • How to drive commercial success & maximise performance
    • How to deliver efficient & effective solutions
    • How to manage risk & avoid high profile corporate failure
    • How to generate funding through effective asset utilisation
    • How working in partnership can drive savings
    • Best practice from the practitioners perspective

    Booking Terms

    To register for this event, click here and return a Booking Form

    Price: £260 + VAT (10% discount available on bookings placed two weeks before these events). All bookings are subject to Ark's Seminar Terms and Conditions