South East Region Housing LIN Meeting - Harpenden

Event date

Presentation notes and slides


The focus of the event is to look at the challenges and opportunities of developing new housing with care developments for older people in the South East given the current financial and policy environment.

The event will be held from 10.30am to 3.30pm at a new extra care housing development in Harpenden managed by Housing & Care 21:

Lea Springs
Common Lane

Click here for a map to the venue (opens new window)


There is limited parking at this event as Lea Springs only has a small car park dedicated to residents for parking. Parking will be available mainly be along Common Lane, there is also a small side road immediately in front of Lea Springs.


  • 10.30 Registration, tea/coffee and networking
  • 11.00 Welcome and Introduction - Nigel Holmes (Oxfordshire County Council) SE Housing LIN Lead and Co-Chair
  • 11.10 Development of Lea Springs and ECH is seen as being viable in the future from an individual providers perspective - Siobhan Moore, Head of Development at Housing & Care 21
  • 11.50 The wider, national state of the current housing with care market from various provider perspectives - Michael Voges, Executive Director of the Associated Retirement Community Operators (ARCO)
  • 12.30 Tour of Lea Springs - Led by Mark Slater, Director, Archadia Architects and Housing & Care 21
  • 13.00 Lunch kindly provided by Housing & Care 21
  • 13.45 Introduction to afternoon session and SE Housing LIN news updates - Clare Skidmore (Medway Council) SE Housing LIN Co-Chair
  • 14.00 Creating Enabling Environments in Extra Care Housing: Reflections from Research and Practice - Sophie Morley, Associate, Archadia Architects and Vanessa Pritchard-Wilkes, Head of Strategic Relationships and Research, Housing & Care 21
  • 14.45 Telecare and how it might deliver better outcomes for older people - Dr. John Woolham, Senior Research Fellow Social Care Workforce Research Unit, King's College London
  • 15.15 Close and Networking


Priority is given to those within the South East Region.

Booking Terms

Important notice: this event provided free of charge to those registered in advance to attend and who subsequently attend. However, we reserve the right to charge those who register and subsequently fail to attend. This is due to the Housing LIN's incurring irrecoverable costs based on numbers of those registered in advance to attend. Non-attenders will be invoiced and pursued for payment. By registering you unreservedly accept these terms and conditions. The cost of this event is £150 plus VAT per head.