South East Region Housing LIN Meeting - Reading

Event date

Presentation notes and slides


This meeting will be hosted by Catalyst from 10.30am to 4.00pm at:

Oak Tree House
10 Spey Road
Reading RG30 4DZ

Click here for a map to the scheme (opens new window)

N.B: For those of you travelling by car, there is free on street parking on a 'first come, first served' basis in the streets around the building.

Housing LIN SE acknowledge the valued support of their Sponsors, Catalyst Housing Group, Willmott Dixon and Henley Healthcare Homes to the success of this Networking Event.


Theme of the day: Market Development - Communities & Providers

  • 10.30 Arrival, tea & coffee
  • 11.00 Welcome, introduction to the Day - Sue Terry Chair of Housing LIN SE
  • 11.15 'From Sheltered Housing to Oak Tree House - extra care housing and the Dee Park Major Regeneration Scheme; an emotional journey'. A group presentation - Caroline Dove, HTA Architects & Dee Park Partnership; Conor Kilbane, Dee Park Partnership & Catalyst; Jane Endersby, Catalyst Housing Group, together Muriel Cook , a resident of Oak Tree House
  • 11.50 'Developing A Market Sale Offer in Housing Association Retirement And Extra Care Housing - a path to progress' - Charles Taylor, Bromford Housing Group
  • 1.30 'Making Retirement Private Market Sales Work- an expert overview of opportunities and strategies to succeed' - John Payne, Independent Consultant, Matters Grey
  • 2.15 'A Return To Development , A Local Authority's Approach- extra care housing strategy, retirement options, Local Authority developer' - Daryn Inston, Property Development Manager, Reading Borough Council
  • 2.50 Tea & Coffee
  • 3.05 'Housing LIN Update & News' - Jeremy Porteus Director, National Housing LIN
  • 3.30 Tour of Oak Tree House


Priority is given to delegates within the South East Region

Booking Terms

This event is free, however, the Housing LIN reserves the right to charge a penalty of £50 for cancellations without prior notice