South West Housing LIN Leadership Set

Event date

Presentation notes and slides


'The Future of Housing with Care in the South West Region'

A high level round table discussion organised jointly by Curo and the Housing LIN. This is an invitation only event

This event will be held from 11.00am to 3.00pm in the 'Royston Tucker Room' at:

St John's Almshouses
Combe Park
Somerset BA1 3NF

Click here for a map to the venue (opens new window)


11.00 Chair's opening remarks - Jeremy Porteus, Director, Housing LIN

11.20 Keynote address - Engaging with housing to deliver better services for older people - Denise Porter, Head of Adult Social Care, South Gloucestershire Council

11.50 Keynote address - Five Year Forward View NHS England: A whole system approach to transforming health and care services for older people. Emerging lessons from the Vanguard sites - William Roberts, National Care Homes Lead, New Care Models Programme

12.20 Q&A and wider discussion session - Led by Jeremy Porteus, Director, Housing LIN

12.45 Lunch & Networking

13.15 Round table group work

  • Table 1: Off the diving board: What emerging housing with care products are making a splash and delivering innovation in a changing market for older consumers?
  • Table 2: Pooling resources: Where is partnership working well to achieve large scale health and wellbeing improvements in our homes and communities?
  • Table 3: Rough seas or calmer waters?: What are the key risks/opportunities to the long term viability of your housing with care services
  • Table 4: A drop in the ocean: What financial, planning, or other incentives would help stimulate growth in the housing with care market?
  • Table 5: Floating support: What further learning and development activities would you or your organisation find helpful from the Housing LIN?

14.15 Group Feedback

15.00 Closing Remarks - Jeremy Porteus, Director, Housing LIN

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