South West Roundtable: Supporting people with learning disabilities at the edges of social care in social housing and the private rented sector

Event date


  • 1.30 - Welcome - Lois Beech Housing LIN
  • 1.35 - Introductions - Ian Copeman Housing LIN/Sam Clark Learning Disability England
  • 1.40 - What the research is about: Supporting people with learning disabilities at the edges of social care in social housing and the private rented sector - Eppie Leishman York University
  • 1.50 - The big questions the research will look at: - David Abbott Bristol University/Deborah Quilgars York University
  1. What are your experiences of people with learning disabilities renting their own home in: social housing (either from the council or a housing association or the private rented sector
  2. What are your experiences of social care support for people with learning disabilities renting their own home?
  3. What needs to change to enable people with learning disabilities to better access and enjoy renting their own homes?
  • 1.55 - Discussion about the research questions: the experiences and views of people at the meeting - Everybody
  • 2.45 - Summary of key points from the meeting - Ian Copeman Housing LIN/Sam Clark Learning Disability England
  • 2.55 - What happens next - David Abbott Bristol University/Deborah Quilgars York University
  • 3.00 - Finish

Each roundtable will also be joined by Stephen Lee Hodgkins, a self described, chronic doodler and community printmaker who will be visually mapping the key findings.

Please click here (opens new window) for an easy read version of the agenda.


To take part in discussions and provide evidence for this research by sharing your experience, ideas and perspectives.


These small roundtable events are intended for a range of interested parties including:

  • local authority commissioners
  • social care and housing staff
  • providers of housing and support
  • people with lived experience and
  • family carers


Please book your place using the 'book now' button. Attendees will be sent the ZOOM details 24hours before the event.

You will be asked to join the meeting 10 mins before the start time to allow for a prompt start.

Finding Our Own Way Home: A Big Conversation

To coincide with this research, the Housing LIN and Learning Disability England also organised 4 events last year to better understand the housing preferences, opportunities and challenges finding the right housing people with a learning disability face and how these can be overcome. 

The findings of these events have been written up into a report called 'Finding Our Own Way Home: A Big Conversation' (opens new window).