South and South West Housing LIN Annual Conference - Swindon

Event date

Presentation notes and slides


'Better care - Better life'

This major conference hosted by the Housing LIN Regions in the South, sponsored by SEQOL, and Chaired by Jeremy Porteus Director of National Housing LIN will be a day to explore new opportunities for housing and care providers facing increasing demands, increasing choices and increasingly, new ways of financing specialised housing and services for the elderly.

In the context of the Care Bill and the Better Care Fund and the opportunities offered for private sector specialist housing developers, this conference will hear from experts creating innovation in the field. There will be a chance to network with senior influencers across the South of England, with strong links to national policy makers.

  • We will alsobe launching new reports from the Housing LIN
  • All delegates will receive a conference pack, refreshments and light buffet lunch
  • Overnight accommodation available at the Blunsdon House Hotel Swindon at a special conference discount rate (contact the hotel directly quoting 'LIN conference')


  • 0900 Registration and refreshments
  • 1000 Chair's welcome and introduction - Jeremy Porteus, Director Housing LIN
  • 1020 Keynote session: At the centre of housing - partnerships for a better life - Heather Mitchell, CEO, SEQOL
  • 1100 Keynote session: The care act - implications for housing with care - Lorraine Jackson & Sara Cromwell, Department of Health
  • 1145 Refreshments
  • 1200 Workshop x 4 (list attached) (opens new window)
  • 1300 Lunch
  • 1400 Keynote session: DCLG HOP Project - Nicky Hodges, Associate Director, URS
  • 1440 Workshop x 4 (list attached) (opens new window) refreshments
  • 1540 Keynote session: The private sector facilitating ageing well communities - Paula Broadbent, Retirement Solutions director, Keepmoat
  • 1620 Chair's closing remarks
  • 1630 Conference closes


Priority is given to delegates within the South East and South West regions

Workshop Instructions

Tickets to the workshops will be allocated on a 'first come, first serve' basis when you collect your name badge at the registration desk on the morning of the conference.

We would therefore be grateful if you could take a close look at the programme and decide which two you would like to attend in advance.

Booking Terms

Important notice: the conference is provided free of charge to those registered in advance to attend and who subsequently attend. However, we reserve the right to charge those who register and subsequently fail to attend for the full cost of a conference place. This is due to the LIN incurring irrecoverable costs based on numbers of those registered in advance to attend. Non-attenders will be invoiced and pursued for payment. By registering you unreservedly accept these terms and conditions. The cost of this conference is £150 plus VAT per head.