Supported Housing Conference - London (supported by the Housing LIN)

Event date


The National Supported Housing Conference is scheduled to give guidance on the future of the sector. In July, successful bids for the first round of the Housing and Communities Agency's Care and Support Specialised Housing Fund were announced. Housing related support payment by results pilots are nearing conclusion in ten regions and housing associations are looking for ways of assisting vulnerable tenants through the process of welfare reform. Questions as to how levels of service quality can be maintained in the face of budgetary restrictions demand innovative answers. Clearly, now is a time rich in both challenges and opportunities for housing-related support service providers.


Chair: Vic Rayner, Chief Executive, Sitra


  • Anthony Brand,Strategy Manager, Corporate Strategy, Homes and Communities Agency
  • Yvonne Arrowsmith, Director of Group Operations, Family Mosaic
  • Elizabeth Butler, Chair, Lewisham Healthcare NHS Trust
  • Jeremy Porteus, Director, Housing LIN
  • Raj Gandecha, Director of Housing, Outward Housing
  • Philip Lewer, Chair, Leeds South and East Clinical Commissioning Group
  • Andrew Van Doorn, Deputy Chief Executive, HACT and Chair, Department for Communities and Local Government Working Group on Personalisation

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This event will cover such key issues as:

  • Access to available funding for supported housing
  • Supporting vulnerable tenants as the welfare system is reformed
  • Integrating support services across housing, health and social care
  • The role of Clinical Commissioning Groups and Health and Wellbeing Boards in the development of supported housing schemes
  • The progress of activity based services and payment by results programmes
  • Avoiding tenancy breakdowns with intensive housing management

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  • Hear from the Housing and Communities Agency (HCA) on the progress of the Affordable Homes Programme
  • Learn how the Care and Support Specialised Housing Fund can be used to provide specialised housing for the elderly and adults with disabilities or mental health problems
  • Gain an insight into the findings of the Right to Control Trailblazer evaluation reports, and the wider personalisation agenda
  • Take practical advice from a payment by results pilot area on establishing effective activity based models of service delivery
  • Learn how Clinical Commissioning Groups can drive new housing related support schemes in your area
  • Understand how intensive housing management can be used to prevent tenancy breakdown

Workshop Instructions

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