Supporting our Ageing Population: Responding to Pressures on Health and Social Care - London (Supported by the Housing LIN)

Event date


The Select Committee Report titled 'Ready for Ageing?' highlights numerous issues faced across our health and social care system as our population continues to live longer, concluding we are "woefully underprepared".

This Westminster Briefing will bring together a panel of experts looking at how health professionals, local authorities, and the third sector can work together to effectively commission integrated health and social care services to address the evolving and increasing needs of our ageing population.


Click here (opens new window) to download the full agenda

Confirmed To Speak:

  • Rt HonLord Warner, Commission on Funding of Care and Support, Dilnot Commission
  • IanBainbridge, Deputy Director, People Communities and Local Government, Department of Health
  • Sandie Keene, President, ADASS, Leeds City Council
  • Baroness Sally Greengross, President, International Longevity Centre
  • Cllr Jim Dickson, Cabinet Member for Health and Wellbeing, LB Lambeth
  • Merav Dover, Chief Officer, Southwark and Lambeth Integrated Care
  • Helena Herklots, CEO, Carers UK
  • Susan Biddle, Healthy Communities Consultant (chair)

Engaging with the panel, key issues to be addressed at this Policy and Practice Briefing include:

  • Are we 'Ready for Ageing?': recommendations and lessons from the report
  • How can we reduce gaps and make health and social care services easier to navigate?
  • Providing the most appropriate model of health and social care for the elderly
  • Changing patterns of ill-health: managing patients with chronic long-term health conditions locally
  • Understanding the recommendations of the Dilnot Commission
  • Impact of the Care Bill
  • Will new LA public health responsibilities affect delivery of services for older people?
  • Resource allocation: balancing finite resources with increasing demand
  • Understanding and incorporating the role of the private and voluntary sector
  • Personalised care: Encouraging less risk adverse attitudes and innovative practice
  • Implementing systems to support increased data sharing


Delegates at this briefing will be drawn from across the health and care sectors including, but not limited to: NHS Foundation Trusts, GPs, CCGs, Clinical Boards, Consultant Geriatricians, Adult Social Services, Carers, Health and Wellbeing Boards, independent care providers and practitioners from across health and social care with an interest in or responsibility for improving outcomes for elderly patients and transforming local healthcare.


Objectives and Outcomes

This Westminster Briefing event will provide an opportunity to consider the central challenges for local authorities, health professionals and the third sector and their delivery partners in the context of demographic change and reduced funding.

Delegates will be briefed on and examine the key issues of health and social care fragmentation, local innovative strategies and examples of personalised care plans in the local community.